Bombus (Fervidobombus) brasiliensis Lepeletier, 1836
Bombus brasiliensis
Lepeletier, A. L. M. (1836). Histoire Naturelle des Insectes. Hyménoptères. Paris: Roret Vol. 1 547 pp. [470] .
Type data: lectotype OUM <F>.
Subsequent designation: Milliron, H. E. (1960). Recognition of bumblebee type specimens, with notes on some dubious names (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Bull. Brooklyn Entomol. Soc. 55 (4): 87-99 [89] .
Type locality: Brazil.
Bombus venustus
Smith, F. (1861). Descriptions of new genera and species of exotic Hymenoptera. J. Entomol. 1: 146-155 [154] .
Type data: lectotype BMNH 17B.1050 <F>.
Subsequent designation: Milliron, H. E. (1960). Recognition of bumblebee type specimens, with notes on some dubious names (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Bull. Brooklyn Entomol. Soc. 55 (4): 87-99 [97] .
Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Teresópolis ['Constantia'].
Bombus brasiliensis palliventris
Friese, H. (1931). Uber Bombus und Psithyrus. Konowia 10: 300-304 [302] .
Type data: syntype whereabouts unknown <M><W>.
Type locality: Paraguay, Guairá, Villarrica.
Neotropical Region: Argentina (Misiones), Brazil (Bahia [Eunápolis, Itamaraju, Porto Seguro], Espírito Santo [Alegre, Conceição Da Barra, Linhares, Santa Teresa, Sooretama, São Mateus], Goiás [Anápolis, Jataí], Mato Grosso [Campo Novo Do Parecis, Campos De Júlio, Cuiabá, Matupá, Sapezal, Tangará Da Serra], Mato Grosso do Sul [Bataguassu, Dourados], Minas Gerais [Ipanema, Mar De Espanha, Passa Quatro], Paraná [Almirante Tamandaré, Curitiba, Curiúva, Marumbi, Morretes], Rio de Janeiro [Itatiaia, Petrópolis, Rio De Janeiro, Teresópolis], Santa Catarina [Blumenau, Corupá, Florianópolis, Joinville, Mafra, Seara, São Francisco Do Sul], São Paulo [Bananal, Barueri, Campos Do Jordão, Eldorado, Salesópolis, São Paulo, Ubatuba]), Paraguay, Uruguay
Abrahamovich, A. H. & Díaz, N. B. (2001). Distribución geográfica de las especies del género Bombus Latreille (Hymenoptera, Apidae) in Argentina. Rev. Bras. Entomol. 45 (1): 23-36 [28] (Distribution)
Abrahamovich, A. H. & Díaz, N. B. (2002). Bumble bees of the Neotropical Region (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Biota Colombiana 3 (2): 199-214 [203] (Distribution rectification)
Abrahamovich, A. H., Díaz, N. B. & Lucia, M. (2005). Las especies del género Bombus Latreille en Argentina (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Estudio taxonómico y claves para su identificación. Neotrop. Entomol. 34 (2): 235-250 [241, 242] (Descriptive notes, variation, comparative notes, distribution)
Abrahamovich, A. H., Diaz, N. B., Morrone, J. J. (2004). Distributional patterns of the Neotropical and Andean species of the genus Bombus (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Acta Zool. Mex. (n. s.) 20 (1): 99-117 [103, 104, 114] (Distribution, biogeography)
Bertoni, A. W. (1911). Contribución á la biología de las avispas y abejas del Paraguay (Hymenoptera). An. Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat. B. Aires (3) 15: 97-146 [140] (Citation, distribution)
Cockerell, T. D. A. (1921). Descriptions and records of bees. XCI. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (9) 8: 359-368 [364] (Citation)
Dalla Torre, C. G. (1896). Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. Lipsiae: Guilelmi Engelmann Vol. 10 643 pp. [512]
Dec, E. & Mouga, D.M.D.S. (2014). Diversidade de abelhas (Hymenoptera: Apidae) em área de mata atlântica em Joinville, Santa Catarina. Acta Biol. Catarinense 1 (2): 15-27 [18] (Distribution record)
Diniz-Filho, J. A. F. (1999). Macroecology of Brazilian Bombus (Hymenoptera, Apidae): spatial patterns and the relationship between worker body size and geographical range. Naturalia (Rio Claro) 24: 193-200 [195, 196] (Citation, graph)
Déletang, L. F. (1920). Contribución al estudio de la zoogeografia argentina (apuntes para delimitar algunas regiones entomológicas). An. Soc. Cient. Argent. 90: 238 [239] (Citation, as Bremus brasiliensis)
Ducke, A. (1916). Enumeração dos hymenopteros colligidos pela Commissão e Revisão das espécies de abelhas do Brasil. Comm. Lin. Teleg. Estr. M. Gr. ao Amazonas 35: 3-209 [13] (Distribution record (partim))
Franklin, H. J. (1913). The Bombidae of the New World. Trans. Am. Entomol. Soc. 39: 73-200 [136-138] (Distribution, as Bombus (Bombus) brasiliensis)
Frison, T. H. (1925). Contribution to the classification of the Bremidae (bumble-bees) of Central and South America. Trans. Am. Entomol. Soc. 51: 137-165 [154, 160] (Citation, distribution)
Gonçalves, R.B. & Brandão, C.R.F. (2008). Diversity of bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae) along a latitudinal gradient in the Atlantic Forest. Biota Neotrop. 8 (4): 51-61 [54] (Distribution record)
Gonçalves, R.B., Santos, E.F. & Scott-Santos, C.F. (2012). Bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Apidae s.l.) captured with Malaise and pan traps along an altitudinal gradient in the Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil. Check List 8 (1): 53-56 [55] (Distribution record)
Handlirsch, A. (1888). Die Hummelsammlung des k.k. Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums. Ann. K-K. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 3 (3): 209-250 [239, 240] (partim, as steindachneri; redescription, distribution (as Brasiliensis))
Holmberg, E. L. (1903). Delectus Hymenopterologicus Argentinus [.]. An. Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat. B. Aires 2 (3): 377-468 [383] (Distribution)
Milliron, H. E. (1960). Recognition of bumblebee type specimens, with notes on some dubious names (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Bull. Brooklyn Entomol. Soc. 55 (4): 87-99 [89, 97] (Note on type of brasiliensis and of venustus)
Milliron, H. E. (1961). Revised classification of the bumblebees - a synopsis (Hymenoptera: Apidae). J. Kansas Entomol. Soc. 34 (2): 49-61 [57]
Milliron, H. E. (1962). Taxonomic notes on some American bumblebees (Hymenoptera: Apidae; Bombinae). Can. Entomol. 94 (7): 728-735 [729] (New combination, as Megabombus brasiliensis)
Milliron, H. E. (1973). A monograph of the Western Hemisphere bumblebees (Hymenoptera: Apidae; Bombinae). II. The genus Megabombus subgenus Megabombus. Mem. Entomol. Soc. Can. 89: 81-237 [143-147] (Redescription, synonymy, distribution, as Megabombus (M.) brasiliensis)
Mouga, D.M.D.S., Nogueira-Neto, P., Warkentin, M., Feretti, V. & Dec, E. (2015). Comunidade de abelhas (Hymenoptera, Apidae) e plantas associadas em área de mata atlântica em São Francisco do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Acta Biol. Catarinense 2 (1): 12-31 [15] (Distribution record)
Moure, J. S. (1944). Apoidea da coleção do Conde Amadeu A. Barbiellini (Hym. Apoidea). Rev. Entomol. (Rio J.) 15 (1-2): 1-18 [2] (Descriptive note)
Moure, J. S. (1946). Notas sobre as mamangabas. Bol. Agricola (Curitiba) 4 (12/13): 21-50 + 3 plates [22, 40] (Distribution)
Moure, J. S. & Sakagami, S. F. (1962). As mamangabas sociais do Brasil (Bombus Latreille) (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Stud. Entomol. (Rio J.) 5 (1-4): 65–194 [68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 78, 79, 82, 85, 89, 91., 173] (Descriptive note, key, synonymy, description, tables, map)
Pisani, J. F., Moure, J. S., Crestana, B., Aily, D. & Lorenzetti, M. L. (1966). Análise estatística da estrutura interespecífica dos Bombus do Brasil (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Bol. Univ. Fed. Paraná. Zool. 2 (8): 101-120 [102, 106, 108, 111, 112, 115, 116, 117, 118] (Tables, distribution)
Possamai, B.T, Dec, E. & Mouga, D.M.D.S (2017). Bee community and trophic resources in Joinville, Santa Catarina. Acta Biol. Catarinense 4 (1): 29-41 [32] (Distribution record)
Sakagami, S. F., Akahira, Y. & Zucchi, R. (1967). Nest architecture and brood development in a neotropical bumblebee, Bombus atratus. Insectes Soc. 14 (4): 389-413 [391] (Nest)
Sakagami, S. F. & Laroca, S. (1971). Relative abundance, phenology and flower visits of apid bees in eastern Paraná, southern Brazil (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Kontyu 39 (3): 217-230 [220] (Distribution record)
Santos Júnior, J. E., Santos, F. R. & Silveira, F. A. (2015). Hitting an unintended target: Phylogeography of Bombus brasiliensis Lepeletier, 1836 and the first new brazilian bumblebee species in a century (Hymenoptera: Apidae). PLOS One 10 (5(e0125847)): e0125847 [3] (Distribution record)
Schmid, S., Kamke, R., Zillikens, A. & Steiner, J. (2011). Flower visitors of Aechmeanudicaulis (Bromeliaceae): species richness, visitation frequency, and interactions in different habitats of southern Brazil. Stud. Neotrop. Fauna Environ. 46 (2): 101-120 [104] (Distribution record)
Schrottky, C. (1913). La distribución geográfica de los himenópteros argentinos. An. Soc. Cient. Argent. 75: 180-286 [268] (Distribution record)
Smith, F. (1854). Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. Part II. Apidae. London: British Museum 199-465 pp. [401]
Strand, E. (1909). Beitrag zur Bienenfauna von Paraguay. (Hym.). Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 1909: 227-237 [235] (Distribution)
Strand, E. (1910). Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Hymenopterenfauna von Paraguay. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Geogr. Biol. Tiere 29: 455-562 [553]
Williams, P. H. (1998). An annotated checklist of bumble bees with an analysis of patterns of description (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Bombini). Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. Lond. (Entomol.) 67 (1): 79-152 [113] (Listed)
Online since: 23 Jul 2008
Last update : 17 Jul 2023