APIDAE ›› Apinae ›› Anthophorini

buscar esse táxon em outros sistemas Anthophora Latreille, 1803
Podalirius Latreille, P. A. (1802). Histoire Naturelle des Fourmis et Recueil de Mémoirs et d'Observations sur les Abeilles, les Areignées, les Faucheurs et autres Insectes. Paris: Barrois Vol. 8 445 pp. [430] .
Type species: Apis pilipes Fabricius, 1775 ( = Apis plumipes Pallas) by designation under Plenary Powers.

Anthophora Latreille, P. A. (1803). Nouveau Dictionnaire d'Histoire Naturelle, appliquèe aux arts, principalement à l'agriculture et à l'èconomie rurale et domestique. Avec des figures tirèes des trois règnes de la nature. Paris: Deterville, J. F. Vol. 18 [167] .
Type species: Apis pilipes Fabricius, 1775 by designation under Plenary Powers.


Nearctic Region: Mexico (Baja California, Baja California Sur, Chihuahua, Coahuila de Zaragoza, Distrito Federal, Durango, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, México, Sinaloa, Sonora, Zacatecas), United States of America (Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas); Neotropical Region: Argentina (Buenos Aires, Catamarca, Chaco, Entre Rios, Jujuy, Mendoza, Misiones, Salta, Tucumán), Bahamas, Bolivia (La Paz), Brazil (Distrito Federal, Minas Gerais [Ouro Preto], Paraná [Curitiba, São José Dos Pinhais], São Paulo [Monte Alegre Do Sul, Rio Claro, São Paulo]), Chile, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico (Chiapas, Guerrero, Jalisco, Morelos, Oaxaca, Puebla, Veracruz), Montserrat, Peru (Arequipa, Cuzco, Lima, Puno, Ucayali), Puerto Rico, Saba & Sint Eustatius (= Neth. Leew. Is.)


Ackerman, A. J. (1916). The carpenter-bees of the United States of the genus Xylocopa. J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc. 24: 196-232 [197]
Baker, D. B. (1994). Type material in the University Museum, Oxford, of bees described by Comte Amédée Lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau and Pierre André Latreille (Hymenoptera: Apoidea). J. Nat. Hist. 28: 1189-1204 [1192-1193] (Note on type specimens, species excluded from the Neotropical region)
Blanchard, E. (1840). Orthoptères, Neuroptères, Hémiptères, Hymenoptères, Lépidoptères et Diptères pp. 1-673 in F. L. Laporte (ed.) Histoire Naturelle des Animaux Articulés. Histoire naturelle des Insectes. vol. 3. Paris: P. Duménil [406]
Brèthes, J. (1909). Notas himenopterológicas. An. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires (3) 19: 219-223 [221] (Note)
Chiappa, E., Rojas, M. & Toro, H. (1990). Clave para los géneros de abejas de Chile (Hymenoptera: Apoidea). Rev. Chil. Entomol. 18: 67-81 [68, 70] (List, key)
Cockerell, T. D. A. (1896). New bees of the genera Xenoglossa and Podalirius (Anthophora). Can. Entomol. 28 (8): 191-197 [193-197] (Taxonomy (as Podalirius))
Cockerell, T. D. A. (1896). The new catalogue of bees. Psyche 7: 386-387 [386, 387]
Cockerell, T. D. A. (1897). Life-zones in New Mexico. Bull. N. Mexico Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta. 24: 3-44 [44] (Citation (as Anthophora (Anthophora))
Cockerell, T. D. A. (1899). Catálogo de las abejas de México. México: Secretaría de Fomento 3-20 pp. [14] (Catalog)
Cockerell, T. D. A. (1905). Tables for the separation of some bees of the genera Coelioxys and Colletes. Psyche 12: 85-90 [85] (Citation)
Cockerell, T. D. A. (1905). Notes on some bees in the British Museum. Trans. Am. Entomol. Soc. 31: 309-364 [331] (Citation (as Habropoda))
Cockerell, T. D. A. (1906). The North American bees of the family Anthophoridae. Trans. Am. Entomol. Soc. 32: 63-116 [63, 64] (Citation, key)
Cockerell, T. D. A. (1934). Records of western bees. Am. Mus. Novit. 697: 1-15 [10] (Citation)
Cockerell, T. D. A. (1949). Bees from Central America, principally Honduras. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 98: 429-490 [470-472]
Cockerell, T. D. A. & Cockerell, W. P. (1901). Contributions from the New Mexico Biological Station. IX. On certain genera of bees. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) 7: 46-50 [48] (Key)
Crawford, J. C. & Titus, E. S. G. (1904). A new bee in the genus Diphaglossa. Can. Entomol. 36: 48-51 [48] (Citation)
Cruz Landim, C. (1967). Estudo comparativo de algumas glândulas das abelhas (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) e respectivas implicações evolutivas. Arq. Zool. (S. Paulo) 15 (3): 177-290 [186, 187] (Morphology)
Dalla Torre, C. G. (1896). Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. Lipsiae: Guilelmi Engelmann Vol. 10 643 pp. [252-296] (Taxonomy (as Podalirius))
Ducke, A. (1901). Beobachtungen über Blütenbesuch, Erscheinungszeit etc. der bei Pará vorkommenden Bienen. Z. Syst. Hymenopterol. Dipterol. 1: 49-67 [54] (Catalog, flower record, distribution)
Ducke, A. (1902). Beobachtungen über Blütenbesuch, Erscheinungszeit etc. der bei Pará vorkommenden Bienen. Allg. Z. Entomol. 7: 360-368 [362] (Citation (as Podalirius))
Ducke, A. (1907). Contribution a la connaissance de la faune hyménoptérologique du Nord-Est du Brésil. Rev. Entomol. (Caen) 26 (5/6): 73-96 [83] (Catalog (as Podalirius))
Ducke, A. (1912). Die natürlichen Bienengenera Südamerikas. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Geogr. Biol. Tiere 34: 51-116 [95]
Ducke, A. (1916). Enumeração dos hymenopteros colligidos pela Commissão e Revisão das espécies de abelhas do Brasil. Comm. Lin. Teleg. Estr. M. Gr. ao Amazonas 35: 3-209 [31, 108] (Taxonomy (as Podalirius))
Friese, H. (1904). Neue Arten der Bienengattung Ancyloscelis Latr. 1825 (Hym.). Z. Syst. Hymenopterol. Dipterol. 4: 20-24 [21] (Citation (as Podalirius))
Friese, H. (1908). Die Apidae (Blumenwespen) von Argentina nach den Reisenergebnissen der Herren A. C. Jensen-Haarup und P. Jörgensen in den Jahren 1904-1907 [reprint with change in pagination (pp. 331-425 in original)]. Flora Fauna 10: 1-94 [59] (Citation)
Friese, H. (1908). Eine neue Bienengattung Corbicula aus Argentina. (Hym.). Z. Syst. Hymenopterol. Dipterol. 8: 170-172 [170] (Citation, comparative note (as Anthophora (Anthophora))
Friese, H. (1910). Neue Bienenarten aus Sud-Amerika. Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 1910: 693-711 [708] (Citation)
Friese, H. (1924). Neue formen der Bienengattungen Centris- Epicharis. Konowia 3: 19-22 [21] (Citation)
Friese, H. (1925). Neue neotropische Bienenarten, zugleich II. Nachtrag zur Bienenfauna von Costa Rica. (Hym.). Stett. Entomol. Ztg. 86 (2): 1-41 [22] (Distribution)
Gerstaecker, A. (1868). Psaenythia, eine neue Bienengattung mit gezähnten Schienensporen. Arch. Naturgesch. 34 (1): 111-137 [113] (Note)
Gribodo, G. (1893). Note imenotterologiche. Nota. II. Nuovi generi e nuove specie di imenotteri antofili ed osservazioni sopra alcune specie giá conosciute. Boll. Soc. Entomol. Ital. 25: 248-287 [276, 277, 278] (Note)
Halffter, G. (1964). La entomofauna americana, ideas acerca de su origen e distribución. Folia Entomol. Mex. 6: 1-105 [58] (Citation)
Holmberg, E. L. (1879). Sobre las especies del género Bombus halladas en la Republica Argentina. An. Soc. Cient. Argent. 8: 154-162 [154] (Distribution)
Holmberg, E. L. (1909). Sobre abejas de Mendoza. Apuntes Hist. Nat. 1 (1): 40 [40] (Distribution)
Hurd, P. D., Jr. (1956). Notes on the subgenera of the New World carpenter bees of the genus Xylocopa (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Am. Mus. Novit. 1776: 1-7 [3] (Citation)
Kerr, W. E. & Laidlaw, H. H. (1956). General genetics of bees. Adv. Genet. 8: 109-153 [128] (Citation)
Krombein, K. V. (1953). The wasps and bees of the Bimini Island Group, Bahamas, British West Indies (Hymenoptera: Aculeata). Am. Mus. Novit. 1633: 1-29 [4]
LaBerge, W. E. & Michener, C. D. (1963). Deltoptila, a Middle American genus of anthophorine bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Bull. Univ. Nebraska St. Mus. 4 (9): 211-225 [211, 213, 214] (Citation (as Anthophora (Anthophora) and as Amegilla))
Latreille, P. A. (1802). Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière des Crustacés et des Insectes. Paris: Dufart Vol. 3 467 pp. [378] (Taxonomy (as Podalirius))
Latreille, P. A. (1802). Histoire Naturelle des Fourmis et Recueil de Mémoirs et d'Observations sur les Abeilles, les Areignées, les Faucheurs et autres Insectes. Paris: Barrois Vol. 8 445 pp. [430] (Taxonomy (as Podalirius))
Latreille, P. A. (1803). Nouveau Dictionnaire d'Histoire Naturelle, appliquèe aux arts, principalement à l'agriculture et à l'èconomie rurale et domestique. Avec des figures tirèes des trois règnes de la nature. Paris: Deterville, J. F. Vol. 18 [167]
Lepeletier, A. L. M. (1841). Histoire Naturelle des Insectes. Hyménoptères. Paris: Roret Vol. 2 680 pp. [23-25, 411, 418] (Synonymy, redescription, biology, citation, nest)
Lutz, F. E. & Cockerell, T. D. A. (1920). Notes on distribution and bibliography of North American bees of the families Apidae, Meliponidae, Bombidae, Euglossidae, and Anthophoridae. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 42: 491-641 [569, 570] (Citation (as Anthemoëssa and Amegilla))
Michener, C. D. (1944). Comparative external morphology, phylogeny, and a classification of the bees (Hymenoptera). Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 82 (6): 151-326 [285] (Citation (as Podalirius and Anthophora))
Michener, C. D. (1962). An interesting method of pollen collecting by bees from flowers with tubular anthers. Rev. Biol. Trop. 10 (2): 167-175 [169]
Michener, C. D. (1983). Proposal to suppress the first designation of a type species for the generic name Megilla Fabricius, 1805, and to place Macropis Klug, 1809, on the official list of generic names (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Z. N. (S.) 2401. Bull. Zool. Nomencl. 40 (4): 207-208 [207] (Citation)
Michener, C. D. (1990). Classification of the Apidae (Hymenoptera). Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull. 54 (4): 75-164 [79] (Citation)
Michener, C. D. & Lange, R. B. (1958). Observations on the ethology of neotropical anthophorine bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea). Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull. 39 (3): 69-96 [89] (Citation)
Michener, C. D. & Ordway, E. (1964). Some anthidiine bees from Mexico (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc. 72: 70-78 [78] (Comparative note)
Mitchell, T. B. (1973). A subgeneric revision of the genus Coelioxys of the Western Hemisphere (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Raleigh: Department of Entomology, North Carolina State University 1-129 pp. [3] (Citation)
Moure, J. S. (1944). Abelhas de Monte Alegre (Est. S. Paulo) (Hym. - Apoidea). Pap. Avul. Dep. Zool., S. Paulo 6 (10): 103-126 [113] (Citation)
Moure, J. S. (1951). Abelhas e ligações intercontinentais. Cienc. Cult. (S. Paulo) 3 (1): 40-41 [41] (Citation)
Moure, J. S. & Urban, D. (1964). Revisão das espécies brasileiras do gênero Anthidium Fabricius, 1804 (Hym. - Apoidea). Anais do II Congresso Latino-Americano de Zoologia (S. Paulo), vol. 1 pp. 93-114 [93] (Citation)
Myers, J. G. (1935). Ethological observations on the citrus bee, Trigona silvestriana Vachal, and other neotropical bees (Hym., Apoidea). Trans. R. Entomol. Soc. Lond. 83 (1): 131-142 [138]
Robertson, C. (1905). Synopsis of Euceridae, Emphoridae and Anthophoridae. Trans. Am. Entomol. Soc. 31: 365-372 [372] (Taxonomy (as Anthemoëssa))
Rozen, J. G., Jr. (1964). The biology of Svastra obliqua obliqua (Say), with a taxonomic description of its larvae (Apoidea, Anthophoridae). Am. Mus. Novit. 2170: 1-13 [7]
Rozen, J. G., Jr. (1969). The larvae of the Anthophoridae (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Part 3. The Melectini, Ericrocidini, and Rhathymini. Am. Mus. Novit. 2382: 1-24 [3] (Citation)
Sakagami, S. F. (1964). Wiederentdeckung des Nestes einer Nachtfurchenbiene, Megalopta sp. am Amazonas (Hymenoptera, Halictidae). Kontyu 32 (4): 457-463 [459] (Citation)
Sakagami, S. F., Laroca, S. & Moure, J. S. (1967). Wild bee biocoenotics in São José dos Pinhais (PR), south Brazil. J. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. Ser. VI. Zool. 16 (2): 253-291 [259]
Sandhouse, G. A. (1943). The type species of the genera and subgenera of bees. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 92: 519-619 [527, 589] (Catalog, sistematic, type species (as Podalirius))
Schrottky, C. (1901). Biologische Notizen solitärer Bienen von S. Paulo (Brasilien). Allg. Z. Entomol. 6: 209-216 [214] (Note (as Podalirius))
Schrottky, C. (1913). La distribución geográfica de los himenópteros argentinos. An. Soc. Cient. Argent. 75: 180-286 [255, 262, 283] (Note, comparative table, filogenetic (as Podalirius))
Schwarz, H. F. (1932). The genus Melipona IV. The type genus of the Meliponidae or stingless bees. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 63: 231-460 [240] (Citation (as Podalirius))
Spinola, M. (1851). Himenopteros pp. 153-569 in Gay, C. (ed.) Historia Fisica y Politica de Chile. Zoologia Vol. 6. Paris: Casa del autor 572 pp. [172] (Description, biology)
Toro, H. & De la Hoz, E. (1968). Clave para géneros de Anthophoridae de Chile. Bol. Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat., Chile 29 (10b): 145-151 [148] (Key)
Urban, D. & Melo, G. A. R. (2005). Duas espécies novas de Anthophora Latreille (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Rev. Bras. Zool. 22 (1): 81-83 [81, 83] (Citation)
Vachal, J. (1909). Espèces nouvelles ou litigieuses d'Apidae du haut bassin du Parana et des régions contiguës et délimitation d' une nouvelle sous-famille Diphaglossinae (Hym.). Rev. Entomol. (Caen) 28: 5-64 [18] (Catalog)
Vachal, J. (1909). Sur le genre Melitoma S. F. et Serv. et sur les genres voisins de la sous- famille Anthophorinae [Hym.]. Ann. Soc. Entomol. Fr. 78: 5-14 [12]
Wille, A. (1958). A comparative study of the dorsal vessels of bees. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 51 (6): 538-546 [539, 540, 545] (Catalog, table, distribution)

How to cite this page
J. S. Moure, D. Urban & G. A. R. Melo, 2023. Anthophorini Dahlbom, 1835. In Moure, J. S., Urban, D. & Melo, G. A. R. (Orgs). Catalogue of Bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) in the Neotropical Region - online version. Available at https://www.moure.cria.org.br/catalogue. Accessed Jan/02/2025

Online since: 23 Jul 2008
Last update : 17 Jul 2023

Available SubGenus

Anthophora (Anthophoroides) Cockerell & Cockerell, 1901
Anthophora (Heliophila) Klug, 1807
Anthophora (Mystacanthophora) Brooks, 1988

Unplaced Species

Anthophora pulsella Dours, 1869
Anthophora rufozonata Dours, 1869
Anthophora unistrigata Dours, 1869
Anthophora volucellaeformis Dours, 1869

Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos, Finep
Universidade Federal do Paraná, UFPR
Centro de Referência em Informação Ambiental, CRIA