APIDAE ›› Apinae ›› Ericrocidini ›› Hopliphora

buscar esse táxon em outros sistemas Hopliphora velutina (Lepeletier & Serville, 1825)
Mesocheira velutina Lepeletier, A. L. M. & Serville, J. G. A. (1825). [Articles] pp. 1–344 in M. Diderot et al. (ed.) Encyclopédie Méthodique. Histoire Naturelle. Entomologie, ou Histoire Naturelle des Crustacés, des Arachnides et des Insectes, vol. 10, P. A. Latreille. Paris: Agasse [107] .
Type data: holotype MNHP <F>.
Type locality: Brazil ['Campos Géraës', according to Lepeletier (1841:459); according to Moure's notes on the type specimen, 'Campos Geraes - Partie merid.'].

Acanthopus iheringi Gribodo, G. (1893). Note imenotterologiche. Nota. II. Nuovi generi e nuove specie di imenotteri antofili ed osservazioni sopra alcune specie giá conosciute. Boll. Soc. Entomol. Ital. 25: 388-428 [417] .
Type data: lectotype MCG <F>.
Subsequent designation: Moure, J. S. (1960). Abelhas da região neotropical descritas por G. Gribodo (Hymenoptera-Apoidea). Bol. Univ. Fed. Parana, Zool. 1 (1): 1-18 [12] .
Type locality: Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul.

Oxynedys beroni Schrottky, C. (1901). Biologische Notizen solitärer Bienen von S. Paulo (Brasilien). Allg. Z. Entomol. 6: 209-216 [212, 214] (nom. nud.) .

Oxynedys beroni Schrottky, C. (1902). Ensaio sobre as abelhas solitarias do Brazil. Rev. Mus. Paul. 5: 330-613 [492] .
Type data: syntype MZUSP 1387, 17772 <F><M>.
Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Jundiaí; Campinas.


Neotropical Region: Argentina (Chaco), Brazil (Amazonas, Goiás, Mato Grosso [Poconé], Mato Grosso do Sul [Corumbá, Miranda, Porto Murtinho], Minas Gerais, Paraná, Pará [Almeirim], Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, São Paulo [Campinas, Jundiaí])


Aranda, R. (2017). First records and distribution extensions of ericrocidine and epeoline bees (Apidae, Apinae and Nomadinae) in the Brazilian Pantanal. Check List 13 (5): 591-596 [592, 593] (Distribution)
Ashmead, W. H. (1900). Report upon the Aculeate Hymenoptera of the Islands of St. Vincent and Grenada, with additions to the parasitic Hymenoptera and a list of the described Hymenoptera of the West Indies. Trans. Entomol. Soc. Lond. 2: 207-367 [212] (Citation, typographic error (as Melissa (Hoplophora) [sic] velutina))
Dalla Torre, C. G. (1896). Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. Lipsiae: Guilelmi Engelmann Vol. 10 643 pp. [324, 325] (Taxonomy (as Melissa velutina and Acanthopus iheringi))
Ducke, A. (1905). Zur Abgrenzung der neotropischen Schmarotzerbienengattungen aus der nächsten Verwandtschaft vom Melissa Sm. (Hym.). Z. Syst. Hymenopterol. Dipterol. 5: 227-229 [228] (Partim (as Eurytis velutina and Acanthopus iheringi))
Ducke, A. (1907). Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Solitärbienen Brasiliens. (Hym.). Z. Syst. Hymenopterol. Dipterol. 7: 455-461 [456] (Taxonomy (as Acanthopus iheringi), note, distribution)
Ducke, A. (1908). Zur Kenntnis der Schmarotzerbienen Brasiliens. (Hym.). Z. Syst. Hymenopterol. Dipterol. 8: 44-47 [46, 47] (Partim, citation (as Acanthopus iheringi), key, synonymy, distribution)
Ducke, A. (1912). Die natürlichen Bienengenera Südamerikas. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Geogr. Biol. Tiere 34: 51-116 [107] (Taxonomy (as Acanthopus iheringi))
Friese, H. (1904). Zur Synonymie der Apiden. Z. Syst. Hymenopterol. Dipterol. 4: 98-100 [100] (Partim, synonymy, (as Acanthopus iheringi))
Friese, H. (1912). Neue and wenig bekannte Bienenarten der neotropischen Region. Arch. Naturgesch., Abt. A 78 (6): 198-226 [198, 201, 202] (Catalog (as Acanthopus iheringi), original description, transcription, redescription (as Hopliphora velutina), distirbution, citation)
Holmberg, E. L. (1887). Sobre ápidos nómadas de la República Argentina. An. Soc. Cient. Argent. 23: 17-33 [17] (Distribution (as Hopliphora velutina))
Lepeletier, A. L. M. (1841). Histoire Naturelle des Insectes. Hyménoptères. Paris: Roret Vol. 2 680 pp. [458] (Redescription (as Hopliphora velutina))
Moure, J. S. (1960). Abelhas da região neotropical descritas por G. Gribodo (Hymenoptera-Apoidea). Bol. Univ. Fed. Parana, Zool. 1 (1): 1-18 [12] (Synonymy, redescription (as Hopliphora velutina and Acanthopus iheringi))
Penati, F. & Mariotti, A. (2015). Catalog of Hymenoptera described by Giovanni Gribodo (1846-1924) (Insecta). Zootaxa 3929 (1): 001-183 [66] (Catalogo (as Acanthopus iheringi))
Pickel, B. (1928). Contribuicão para a biologia de Centris sponsa e Acanthopus excellens (Hymen.). Bol. Biol. (S. Paulo) 14: 135-143 [140] (as Acanthopus excellens)
Ramos, K.S., Kawada, R. & Brandão, C.R.F. (2015). Type specimens of bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae) deposited in the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil. Pap. Avul. Dep. Zool., S. Paulo 55 (24): 335-361 [344] (Note on type material (as Oxynedys beroni))
Rasmussen, C., Garcete-Barrett, B. R. & Gonçalves, R. B. (2009). Curt Schrottky (1874-1937): South American entomology at the beginning of the 20th century (Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera). Zootaxa 2282: 1–50 [22] (Note on type material of Oxynedys beroni)
Sandhouse, G. A. (1943). The type species of the genera and subgenera of bees. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 92: 519-619 [559, 580] (Taxonomy (as Hopliphora velutina and Oxynedys beroni))
Schrottky, C. (1901). Biologische Notizen solitärer Bienen von S. Paulo (Brasilien). Allg. Z. Entomol. 6: 209-216 [212, 214] (Flower records (as Oxynedis beroni))
Schrottky, C. (1902). Ensaio sobre as abelhas solitarias do Brazil. Rev. Mus. Paul. 5: 330-613 [500, 504, 506] (Taxonomy, distribution (as Melissa velutina and Acanthopus iheringi))
Schrottky, C. (1903). Enumération des hyménopteres connus jusqu'ici de la République Argentine, de l'Uruguay et du Paraguay. An. Soc. Cient. Argent. 55: 176-186 [183] (Catalog, distribution (as Melissa velutina))
Schrottky, C. (1906). Zur Synonymie der Apiden. Z. Syst. Hymenopterol. Dipterol. 6: 115-118 [116, 117] (Discussion (as Oxynedis beroni and Acanthopus iheringi))
Schrottky, C. (1913). La distribución geográfica de los himenópteros argentinos. An. Soc. Cient. Argent. 75: 180-286 [265] (Catalog, distribution record (as Hopliphora velutina))
Silveira, F. A., Melo, G. A. R. & Almeida, E. A. B. (2002). Abelhas Brasileiras: Sistemática e Identificação. Belo Horizonte: F. A. Silveira 253 pp. [110] (Distribution)
Strand, E. (1910). Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Hymenopterenfauna von Paraguay. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Geogr. Biol. Tiere 29: 455-562 [552] (Taxonomy (as Melissa velutina))
Strand, E. (1912). Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Hymenopterenfauna von Paraguay. X. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Geogr. Biol. Tiere 33: 257-346 + 2 plates [278, 279] (Flower records (as Hopliphora velutina and Melissa velutina))

How to cite this page
J. S. Moure & G. A. R. Melo, 2023. Ericrocidini Cockerell & Atkins, 1902. In Moure, J. S., Urban, D. & Melo, G. A. R. (Orgs). Catalogue of Bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) in the Neotropical Region - online version. Available at https://www.moure.cria.org.br/catalogue. Accessed Jan/03/2025

Online since: 23 Jul 2008
Last update : 17 Jul 2023

Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos, Finep
Universidade Federal do Paraná, UFPR
Centro de Referência em Informação Ambiental, CRIA