Osiris Smith, 1854
Smith, F. (1854). Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. Part II. Apidae. London: British Museum 199-465 pp. [288] .
Type species: Osiris pallidus Smith, 1854
by subsequent designation, see Sandhouse, G. A. (1943). The type species of the genera and subgenera of bees. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 92: 519-619 .
Radoszkowski, O. (1884). Quelques nouveaux hyménoptéres d’Amerique. Horae Societas Entomologica Rossica 18: 17-22 [21] .
Type species: Euthyglossa fasciata Radoszkowski, 1884
by monotypy.
Neotropical Region: Argentina (Corrientes, Misiones), Belize, Bolivia (Cochabamba, El Beni, La Paz, Santa Cruz), Brazil (Amapá [Macapá], Amazonas [Manaus, Santo Antônio Do Içá, Tabatinga, Tefé, Tonantins], Espírito Santo [Linhares], Mato Grosso [Nobres], Minas Gerais [Santa Bárbara Do Leste], Paraná [Pitanga, Tijucas Do Sul], Pará [Almeirim, Belém, Faro, Oriximiná, Prainha, Santarém, Óbidos], Rio de Janeiro [Rio De Janeiro], Santa Catarina [Seara], São Paulo [São Paulo]), Colombia (Amazonas, Caquetá, Magdalena, Meta, Nariño, Putumayo), Costa Rica (Guanacaste, Heredia, Limón, Puntarenas, San José), Ecuador (Esmeraldas, Guayas, Morona Santiago, Napo, Sucumbíos), El Salvador, French Guiana (Kourou), Guatemala (Suchitepéquez), Guyana, Mexico (Chiapas, Jalisco, Morelos, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo, San Luis Potosi, Tabasco, Veracruz), Panama (Colón, Panamá), Paraguay (Alto Paraná, Itapúa), Peru (Huánuco, San Martín), Suriname, Venezuela (Aragua)
Cockerell, T. D. A. (1899). Catálogo de las abejas de México. México: Secretaría de Fomento 3-20 pp. [8, 14] (Catalog (as Euthyglossa))
Cockerell, T. D. A. (1905). Notes on some bees in the British Museum. Trans. Am. Entomol. Soc. 31: 309-364 [315] (Key)
Cockerell, T. D. A. (1906). The North American bees of the family Anthophoridae. Trans. Am. Entomol. Soc. 32: 63-116 [104] (Note (as Euthyglossa))
Cockerell, T. D. A. (1933). Some wasp-like bees from Guatemala. Psyche (Camb.) 40: 60-61 [61] (Cited, synonymy (as Osiris and Euthyglossa))
Dalla Torre, C. G. (1896). Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. Lipsiae: Guilelmi Engelmann Vol. 10 643 pp. [326]
Déletang, L. F. (1920). Contribución al estudio de la zoogeografia argentina (apuntes para delimitar algunas regiones entomológicas). An. Soc. Cient. Argent. 90: 238 [240] (Citation)
Ducke, A. (1901). Beobachtungen über Blütenbesuch, Erscheinungszeit etc. der bei Pará vorkommenden Bienen. Z. Syst. Hymenopterol. Dipterol. 1: 49-67 [55, 67] (Parasite, catalog, distribution)
Ducke, A. (1902). Beobachtungen über Blütenbesuch, Erscheinungszeit etc. der bei Pará vorkommenden Bienen. Allg. Z. Entomol. 7: 417-421 [421] (Catalog)
Ducke, A. (1908). Contribution à la connaissance de la faune hyménoptérologique du Nord-Est du Brésil. Rev. Entomol. (Caen) 27 (6): 57-87 [79] (Distribution, flower record)
Ducke, A. (1910). Contribution a la connaissance de la faune hyménoptérologique du Nord-Est du Brésil. Rev. Entomol. (Caen) 28 (4/5): 97-122 [104]
Ducke, A. (1912). Die natürlichen Bienengenera Südamerikas. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Geogr. Biol. Tiere 34: 51-116 [104]
Friese, H. (1912). Neue and wenig bekannte Bienenarten der neotropischen Region. Arch. Naturgesch., Abt. A 78 (6): 198-226 [198] (Citation)
Friese, H. (1930). Die Schmarotzerbienengattung Osiris Sm. (Hym.). Stett. Entomol. Ztg. 91: 103-127 [103-127] (Biology, catalog, key)
Holmberg, E. L. (1886). Sobre ápidos nómadas de la República Argentina. An. Soc. Cient. Argent. 22: 231-240 [233] (Key)
Holmberg, E. L. (1887). Sobre ápidos nómadas de la República Argentina. An. Soc. Cient. Argent. 23: 17-33 [25] (Citation)
Lutz, F. E. & Cockerell, T. D. A. (1920). Notes on distribution and bibliography of North American bees of the families Apidae, Meliponidae, Bombidae, Euglossidae, and Anthophoridae. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 42: 491-641 [594] (Taxonomy (as Euthyglossa))
Michener, C. D. (1944). Comparative external morphology, phylogeny, and a classification of the bees (Hymenoptera). Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 82 (6): 151-326 [276]
Michener, C. D. (1954). Bees of Panamá. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 104 (1): 1-175 [121, 123] (Note, key, distribution)
Popov, V. V. (1939). Relationships of the genus Osiris F. Smith and its position in the system of bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). C. R. (Dokl.) Acad. Sci. URSS 25 (2): 163-166 [163]
Roig-Alsina, A. (1989). The tribe Osirini, its scope, classification, and revisions of the genera Parepeolus and Osirinus (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Anthophoridae). Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull. 54 (1): 1-23 [8, 22] (Key, description)
Sandhouse, G. A. (1943). The type species of the genera and subgenera of bees. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 92: 519-619 [580] (Catalog, type species (as Euthyglossa))
Schrottky, C. (1902). Ensaio sobre as abelhas solitarias do Brazil. Rev. Mus. Paul. 5: 330-613 [507]
Schrottky, C. (1913). La distribución geográfica de los himenópteros argentinos. An. Soc. Cient. Argent. 75: 180-286 [264, 266, 284] (Citation, distribution, comparative table)
Shanks, S. S. (1986). A revision of the neotropical bee genus Osiris (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae). Wasmann J. Biol. 44 (1-2): 1-56 [12-17] (Synonymy, diagnosis, description, key to species (partim))
Online since: 23 Jul 2008
Last update : 17 Jul 2023
Available Species
Osiris acutiventris Friese, 1930
Osiris analis Friese, 1930
Osiris angustipes Friese, 1930
Osiris atriventris Friese, 1930
Osiris barrocoloradensis Schwarz, 1934
Osiris boliviensis Friese, 1930
Osiris carinicollis Friese, 1930
Osiris collaris Friese, 1930
Osiris duckei Friese, 1930
Osiris fasciatus (Radoszkowski, 1884)
Osiris fulvicornis Friese, 1930
Osiris guatemalensis Shanks, 1986
Osiris latitarsis Friese, 1930
Osiris longiceps Friese, 1930
Osiris longipes Friese, 1930
Osiris marginatus Cresson, 1878
Osiris maurus Shanks, 1986
Osiris melanothrix Shanks, 1986
Osiris mexicanus Cresson, 1878
Osiris mourei Michener, 1954
Osiris nigrocinctus Friese, 1930
Osiris notaticollis Friese, 1930
Osiris opsionomus Shanks, 1987
Osiris pallidus Smith, 1854
Osiris panamensis Cockerell, 1919
Osiris paraensis Friese, 1930
Osiris paraguayensis Schrottky, 1915
Osiris semiatratus Shanks, 1987
Osiris stenolobus Shanks, 1986
Osiris tarsatus Smith, 1879
Osiris variegatus Smith, 1854