Euglossa (Euglossa) despecta Moure, 1968
Euglossa (Euglossa) despecta
Moure, J. S. (1968). Espécies novas de Euglossa da América Central (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Bol. Univ. Fed. Parana, Zool. 3 (2): 13-64 [55] .
Type data: holotype USNM 70781 <M>.
Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island.
Neotropical Region: Brazil (Acre [Bujari, Porto Acre, Rio Branco], Alagoas [Ibateguara, Murici], Bahia [Camacan, Guaratinga, Igrapiúna, Ilhéus, Itamaraju, Ituberá, Porto Seguro, Prado, Taperoá, Una, Uruçuca], Espírito Santo [Conceição Da Barra, Pinheiros], Maranhão [Carutapera, Formosa Da Serra Negra], Minas Gerais [Uberaba, Uberlândia], Pernambuco [Cabo De Santo Agostinho, Jaqueira], Rio de Janeiro [São Francisco De Itabapoana, São José De Ubá, Trajano De Morais], Rondônia [Porto Velho], Roraima [Caracaraí]), Panama
Ackerman, J. D. (1983). Diversity and seasonality of male Euglossine bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in Central Panamá. Ecology 64 (2): 274-283 [277] (Table, ecology)
Aguiar, W.M. & Gaglianone, M.C. (2012). Euglossine bee communities in small forest fragments of the Atlantic Forest, Rio de Janeiro state, southeastern Brazil (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Rev. Bras. Entomol. 56 (2): 210-219 [214] (Distribution)
Aguiar, W.M., Sofia, S.H., Melo, G.A.R., & Gaglianone, M.C. (2015). Changes in Orchid Bee Communities Across Forest Agroecosystem Boundaries in Brazilian Atlantic Forest Landscapes. Environ. Entomol. 44 (6): 1-7 [3] (Distribution)
Dressler, R. L. (1978). An infrageneric classification of Euglossa, with notes on some features of special taxonomic importance (Hymenoptera; Apidae). Rev. Biol. Trop. 26 (1): 187-198 [194] (Citation, systematics)
Dressler, R. L. (1982). New species of Euglossa. IV. The cordata and purpurea species groups (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Rev. Biol. Trop. 30 (2): 141-150 [142] (Citation)
Ferreira, L.A.C., Martins, D.C., Rêgo, M.M.C. & Albuquerque, P.M.C. (2019). Richness of wild bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in a forest remnant in a transition region of Eastern Amazonia. Psyche (Camb.) 5356104: 1-11 [4] (Distribution)
Franceschinelli, E.V., Bergamini, L.L., Silva-Neto, C.L., Elias, M.A.S., Moreira, G.L., Morais, J.M. & Mesquita-Neto, J.N. (2019). Native bee fauna of tomato crops: a comparison of active sampling and pan trapping methods. Iheringia, Sér. Zool. 109: 1-7 [4] (Distribution)
Leão-Gomes, B. & Nemésio, A. (2020). Orchid bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Euglossina) of a savanna-like 'Cerrado' remnant inside an urban area in Central Brazil. North-Western J. Zool. 16 (1(e191203)): 50-58 [233] (Distribution)
Martins, D.C., Albuquerque, P.M.C., Silva, F.S. & Rebêlo, J.M.M. (2018). Orchid bees (Apidae: Euglossini) in Cerrado remnants in northeast Brazil. J. Nat. Hist. 52 (11-12): 627-644 [632, 635] (Distribution)
Nemésio, A. (2011). Euglossa marianae sp. n. (Hymenoptera: Apidae): a new orchid bee from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest and the possible first documented local extinction of a forest-dependent orchid bee. Zootaxa 2892: 59-68 [62] (Distribution)
Nemésio, A. (2011). The orchid-bee fauna (Hymenoptera: Apidae) of a forest remnant in southern Bahia, Brazil, with new geographic records and an identification key to the known species of the area. Zootaxa 2821: 47-54 [49] (Distribution)
Nemésio, A. (2012). The western limits of the “Hileia Baiana” for orchid bees, including seven new records for the state of Minas Gerais, eastern Brazil. Spixiana (Munich) 35 (1): 109-116 [112, 113] (Distribution)
Nemésio, A. (2013). The orchid-bee faunas (Hymenoptera: Apidae) of 'Parque Nacional do Monte Pascoal', 'Parque Nacional do Descobrimento' and three other Atlantic Forest remnants in southern Bahia, eastern Brazil. Braz. J. Biol. 73 (2): 437-446 [440, 441, 442] (Distribution)
Nemésio, A. (2013). The orchid-bee fauna (Hymenoptera: Apidae) of 'Reserva Biológica de Una', a hotspot in the Atlantic Forest of southern Bahia, eastern Brazil. Braz. J. Biol. 73 (2): 347-352 [349] (Distribution)
Nemésio, A. (2014). The orchid-bee faunas (Hymenoptera: Apidae) of 'Reserva Ecológica Michelin', 'RPPN Serra Bonita' and one Atlantic Forest remnant in the state of Bahia, Brazil, with new geographic records. Braz. J. Biol. 74 (1): 16-22 [18] (Distribution)
Nemésio, A. (2016). Orchid bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae) from the Brazilian savanna-like 'Cerrado': how to adequately survey under low population densities?. North-Western J. Zool. 12 (2): 230-238 [233] (Distribution)
Nemésio, A. & Santos Junior, J.E. (2014). Is the “Centro de Endemismo Pernambuco” a biodiversity hotspot for orchid bees?. Braz. J. Biol. 74 (3): 78-92 [82] (Distribution)
Oliveira, R., Pinto, C.E. & Schlindwein, C. (2015). Two common species dominate the species-rich Euglossine bee fauna of an Atlantic Rainforest remnant in Pernambuco, Brazil. Braz. J. Biol. 75 (4): 1-8 [4] (Distribution)
Rosa, J.F., Ramalho, M., Monteiro, D. & Silva, M.D. (2015). Permeability of matrices of agricultural crops to Euglossina bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae) in the Atlantic Rain Forest. Apidologie 46: 691-702 [694] (Distribution)
Santos Júnior, J.E., Ferrari, R.R. & Nemésio, A. (2014). he orchid-bee fauna (Hymenoptera: Apidae) of a forest remnant in the southern portion of the Brazilian Amazon. Braz. J. Biol. 74 (3): 184-190 [186] (Distribution)
Silva, S.J.R., Silva, A.S. & Pereira, J.P.R. (2015). Riqueza e abundância de abelhas Euglossina (Hymenoptera, Apidae) em fragmento de floresta, no município de Caracaraí, Roraima, Brasil. Bol. Mus. Int. de Roraima 9 (1): 1-7 [4] (Distribution)
Silveira, G.C., Freitas, R.F., Tosta, T.H.A., Rabelo, L.S., Gaglianone, M.C. & Augusto, S.C. (2015). The orchid bee fauna in the Brazilian savanna: do forest formations contribute to higher species diversity?. Apidologie 46: 197-208 [201] (Distribution)
Storck-Tonon, D., Morato, E.F., Melo, A.W.F. & Oliveira, M.L. (2013). Orchid Bees of forest fragments in Southwestern Amazonia. Biota Neotrop. 13 (1): 133-141 [136] (Distribution)
Online since: 23 Jul 2008
Last update : 17 Jul 2023