APIDAE ›› Apinae ›› Meliponini ›› Proplebeia

buscar esse táxon em outros sistemas Proplebeia silacea (Wille, 1959)
Trigona (Nogueirapis) silacea Wille, A. (1959). A new fossil stingless bee (Meliponini) from the amber of Chiapas, Mexico. Journal of Paleontology 33(5): 849-852 [849] .
Type data: holotype UCB 12601 <F> worker (Rio San Pedro, opposite town of San Pedro, Simojovel area, Chiapas, Mexico, F. Blom & G. Duby leg.) , paratype UCB 12602-12611 <F> workers (10).
Type locality: Miocene Mexican amber.
Etymology: from the Latin, silaceous = ocher.


Fossil taxon


Ayala, R. (1999). Revision de las abejas sin aguijon de Mexico (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini). Folia Entomológica Mexicana 106: 1-123 [118] (as Plebeia (Noguerirapis) [sic] silicea [sic], biogeography)
Camargo, J. M. F., Grimaldi, D. A. & Pedro, S. R. M. (2000). The extinct fauna of stingless bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini) in Dominican Amber: two new species and redescription of the male of Proplebeia dominicana (Wille & Chandler). Am. Mus. Novit. 3293: 1-24 [18, 21] (as Nogueirapis silacea, taxonomic characters, comparative notes, taxonomic notes)
Darchen, R. & Louis, J. (1961). Les mélipones et leur élevage Melipona - Trigona - Lestremelitta [sic]. Annales de L’Abeille 4 (I): 5-39 [13] (as Nogueirapis silacea, taxonomic note - citation)
Engel, M. S. (2004). Geological history of the bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea). Rev. Tecnologia e Ambiente 10 (2): 9-33 [25] (figure: fossil, geographic record, age)
Kerr, W. E. (1969). Some aspects of the evolution of social bees (Apidae). Evol. Biol. 3: 119-175 [166] (as Trigona (Nogueirapis) silacea, phylogeny)
Kerr, W. E. & Esch, H. (1965). Comunicação entre as abelhas sociais brasileiras e sua contribuição para o entendimento da sua evolução. Ciência e Cultura (SP) 17 (4): 529-538 [536] (as Trigona (Nogueirapis) silacea, phylogeny)
Kerr, W. E. & Maule, V. (1964). Geographic distribution of stingless bees and its implications (Hymenoptera: Apidae). J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc. 72: 2-17 [10, 13] (as Trigona (Nogueirapis) silacea, list, fossil, age, comparative notes, citation)
Michener, C. D. (1990). Classification of the Apidae (Hymenoptera). Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull. 54 (4): 75-164 [105, 106, 114] (as Plebeia (Nogueirapis) silacea, age, geographic record, taxonomic notes)
Michener, C. D. (2000). The bees of the World. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press 913 pp. [787, 795] (as Nogueirapis silacea, fossil, age, geographic record, citation, taxonomic note)
Moure, J. S. & J. M. F. Camargo (1982). Partamona (Nogueirapis) minor, nova espécie de Meliponinae (Hymenoptera: Apidae) do Amazonas e notas sobre Plebeia variicolor (Ducke). Bol. Mus. Para. Emílio Goeldi, sér. Zool. 120: 1-10 [2] (as Partamona (Nogueirapis) silacea, list, fossil, geographic record, biogeography)
Oliveira, F. F. (2002). The mesotibial spur in stingless bees: a new character for the systematics of Meliponini (Hymenoptera: Apidae). J. Kansas Entomol. Soc. 75(3): 194-202 [195] (as Nogueirapis silacea, mesotibial spur)
Sakagami, S. F., Beig, D., Zucchi, R. & Akahira, Y. (1963). Occurrence of ovary-developed workers in queenright colonies of stingless bees. Rev. Bras. Biol. 23 (2): 115-129 [127] (as Trigona (Nogueirapis) silacea, geographic record, taxonomic note, citation)
Wille, A. (1959). A new fossil stingless bee (Meliponini) from the amber of Chiapas, Mexico. Journal of Paleontology 33(5): 849-852 [849-852] (as Trigona (Nogueirapis) silacea, fossil description, figures, geographic record, age)
Wille, A. (1961). Las abejas jicotes de Costa Rica. Revista de la Universidad de Costa Rica 22: 1-30 [14] (as Trigona silacea, taxonomic note)
Wille, A. (1962). A revision of the subgenus Nogueirapis; an archaic group of stingless bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae). J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc. 70: 218-234 [218, 222-225, 227, 231] (as Trigona (Nogueirapis) silacea, key, redescription, additional material, geographic records, figures, taxonomic characters)
Wille, A. (1964). Notes on a primitive stingless bee, Trigona (Nogueirapis) mirandula. Revista de Biologia Tropical 12 (1): 117-151 [120, 124, 131, 132, 133] (as Trigona silacea, taxonomic notes, figure: head)
Wille, A. (1977). A general review of the fossil stingless bees. Rev. Biol. Trop. 25 (1): 43-46 [43, 44, 45] (as Trigona silacea, fossil, geographic record, age, body size, taxonomic note)
Wille, A. (1979). Phylogeny and relationships among the genera and subgenera of the stingless bees (Meliponinae) of the world. Revista de Biologia Tropical 27 (2): 241-277 [269] (as Trigona (Nogueirapis) silacea, fossil, geographic record, taxonomic note)
Wille, A. & Chandler, L. C. (1964). A new stingless bee from the tertiary amber of the Dominican Republic (Hymenoptera; Meliponini). Revista de Biologia Tropical 12(2): 187-195 [192] (as Trigona silacea, taxonomic note)

How to cite this page
J. M. F. Camargo, S. R. M. Pedro & G. A. R. Melo, 2023. Meliponini Lepeletier, 1836. In Moure, J. S., Urban, D. & Melo, G. A. R. (Orgs). Catalogue of Bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) in the Neotropical Region - online version. Available at https://www.moure.cria.org.br/catalogue. Accessed Sep/16/2024

Online since: 23 Jul 2008
Last update : 17 Jul 2023

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Universidade Federal do Paraná, UFPR
Centro de Referência em Informação Ambiental, CRIA