
buscar esse táxon em outros sistemas Trigona braueri Friese, 1900
Common Names: "mel-de-cachorro", "vaca", "abelha-de-cachorro", "abelha-cachorro"

Trigona braueri Friese, H. (1900). Neue arten der Bienengattungen Melipona Ill. Und Trigona Jur. Természetr. Füz. 23: 381-394 [387] .
Type data: syntype IEA <F> worker , syntype whereabouts unknown <F> workers (6), males (4) , syntype ZMB <F> workers (10) , syntype NMW <F> many (Moure, <I>in litt</I>. also mentioned specimens from "Brasilien, 1878, Brauer" in NMW.).
Type locality: Bahia, Brazil ["Bahia, lebend in Bordeaux, Drory, 1873", according to Camargo, 1988: 366]; Santa Leopoldina, Espírito Santo, Brazil, Michaelis leg.; Bahia, Brazil ["Bahia, lebend in Bordeaux, Drory, 1873", Moure, in litt.]; Bahia, Brazil.
Etymology: homage to Prof. Fr. Brauer.

Trigona fulviventris nigra Ihering, H. (1903). Biologie der stachellosen Honigbienen Brasiliens. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Geogr. Biol. Tiere 19: 179-287 [217] (junior subjective synonym; Ihering, 1903 attributed the name Trigona fulviventris nigra to Friese, but this name was never published by Friese. The name is validated by the description and figures of the nest presented by Ihering, 1903: 217-218, plate 14, figure 4. Probably from São Paulo, Brazil) .


Neotropical Region: Brazil (Bahia, Espírito Santo [Santa Leopoldina], Paraná [Guaraqueçaba, Paranaguá], Rio de Janeiro [Petrópolis, Teresópolis], Santa Catarina [Joinville, São Francisco Do Sul], São Paulo [Bauru, Franca, Guarulhos, Ibiúna, Monte Alegre Do Sul, Salesópolis, São Paulo])


Alfken, J. D. (1930). Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der schwedischen entomologischen Reisen des Herrn Dr. A. Roman 1914-1915 und 1923-1924 in Amazonas. Ark. Zool. 21A (28): 1-16 [2] (as Melipona argentata, synonymy = Trigona fulvicornis [sic = fulviventris, lapsus calami] nigra [see Schwarz, 1938: 454])
Alfken, J. D. (1932). Ergebnisse einer zoologischen Sammelreise nach Brasilien, insbesorende in das Amazonasgebiet, ausgeführt von Dr. H. Zerny. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museum in Wien 46: 303-307 [306] (? uncertain identity, as Melipona argentata [*from Schwarz, 1948: 336])
Camargo, J. M. F. (1974). Notas sobre a morfologia de Plebeia (Schwarziana) quadripunctata quadripunctata (Hym., Apidae). Stud. Entomol. 17 (1-4): 433-470 [460, 463] (as Trigona (Trigona) fulviventris fulviventris, nesting site: subtrerranean, nest characteristics, citation)
Camargo, J. M. F. (1988). Meliponinae (Hymenoptera, Apidae) da coleção do "Istituto di Entomologia Agraria", Portici, Itália. Rev. Bras. Entomol. 32 (3/4): 351–374 [366-367] (as Trigona fulviventris, partim: Bahia and São Paulo - Baurú [see also Trigona guianae Cockerell], geographic records, synonymy, notes on types, taxonomy)
Camargo, J. M. F. & J. S. Moure (1994). Meliponinae Neotropicais: Os gêneros Paratrigona Schwarz, 1938 e Aparatrigona Moure, 1951 (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Arq. Zool. (São Paulo) 32 (2): 33-109 [33] (taxonomic character, mandible)
Carvalho, C. A. L., Alves, R. M. O. & Souza, B. A. (2003). Criação de abelhas sem ferrão: aspectos práticos. Cruz das Almas: Universidade Federal da Bahia / SEAGRI - BA. Série Meliponicultura: 1 viii+42 pp. [5, 17] (as Trigona fulviventris, geographic record, folk name: "bunda-de-vaca", figure: royal cell)
Carvalho, C. A. L., Souza, B. A., Sodré, G. S., Marchini, L. C. & Alves, R. M. O. (2005). Mel de abelhas sem ferrão: contribuição para a caracterização físico-química. Cruz das Almas: Universidade Federal da Bahia / SEAGRI-BA viii+32 pp. [18-21] (? uncertain identity, as Trigona ref. guyanae [sic], honey, physicochemical characteristics, citation)
Cockerell, T. D. A (1917). New social bees. Psyche 24: 120-128 [128] (comparative note)
Cruz Landim, C. (1967). Estudo comparativo de algumas glândulas das abelhas (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) e respectivas implicações evolutivas. Arquivos de Zoologia 15 (3): 177-290 [194, 216, 217, 218, 266, 267, 268, 269] (as Trigona fulviventris fulviventris, geographic record, figure: mandibular gland, phylogeny, salivary gland, hypopharyngeal gland)
Ducke, A. (1916). Enumeração dos Hymenopteros colligidos pela Comissão e Revisão das espécies de abelhas do Brasil. Comm. Lin. Teleg. Estr. M. Gr. ao Amazonas 35: 3-171 [35, 123-125, 128-130] (as Melipona braueri, key, redescription, diagnosis, comparative notes, geographic records, geographic range; as Melipona argentata fulviventris, partim: Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Goiás [?] and Minas Gerais, synonymy, folk name "abelha de cachorro", geographic records, diagnosis, nesting site: among roots of trees [partim])
Ducke, A. (1925). Die stachellosen Bienen (Melipona) Brasiliens, Nach morphologischen und ethologischen Merkmalen geordnet. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Geogr. Biol. Tiere 49: 335-448 [344, 354, 413, 416-419] (as Melipona braueri, key, redescription, diagnosis, comparative notes, geographic records, geographic range; as Melipona argentata fulviventris, partim: Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Goiás [?] and Minas Gerais, synonymy, folk name "abelha de cachorro", geographic records, diagnosis, nesting site: among roots of trees [partim])
Grünberg, K. (1904). H. v. Ihering, Biologie der stachellosen Honigbienen brasiliens [review]. Biol. Centralbl. 24: 7-18 [9, 15, 17] (as Trigona fulviventris [*from Schwarz, 1948: 328; citation of H. von Ihering])
Ihering, H. (1903). Biologie der stachellosen Honigbienen Brasiliens. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Geogr. Biol. Tiere 19: 179-287 [185, 217-219, 237, 244, 247, 257, 261, 270, 279] (as Trigona fulviventris andTrigona fulviventris nigra, nesting site: hollow roots, nest characteristics, folk name: "mel-de-cachorro", virgin queen, royal cell, males, honey, symbiosis: termites, synonymy, figure: plate 14 - figure 4: nest)
Ihering, H. (1930). Biologia das abelhas melliferas do Brasil. Boletim de Agricultura 31 (5-6): 435-506, 649-714 [443, 482-484, 650, 657, 661, 672, 676, 686, 700, 713] (as Trigona fulviventris and Trigona fulviventris nigra, nesting site: hollow roots, nest characteristics, folk name: "mel-de-cachorro", virgin queen, royal cell, males, honey, symbiosis: termites, synonymy, figure: nest)
Ihering, R. (2002). Dicionário dos animais do Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: DIFEL 1-588 + 12 plates pp. [201, 329, 558] (? uncertain identity, as Melipona pulviventris [sic] and Melipona argentata, folk names: "cupira", "mel-de-cachorro", nesting site: in termite or ant [!]nests inside hollow trees)
Kriechbaumer, J. (1900). Von Ihrer Königl ; Hoheit der Prinzessin Therese von Bayern auf einer Reise in Südamerika gesammelte Insekten. 1. Hymenoptera. b. Hymenoptera reliqua. Berl. Entomol. Z. 45: 99-99 [99] (? uncertain identity, as Trigona argentata, [*from Schwarz, 1948: 336])
Laroca, S. (1970). Contribuição para o conhecimento das relações entre abelhas e flôres: coleta de pólen das anteras tubulares de certas Melastomataceae. Floresta 2: 69-74 [72] (as Trigona (Trigona) fulviventris guianae, geographic record, pollen foraging behavior, cutting anthers, flower record: Tibouchina clavata (Melastomataceae))
Lenko, K. & Papavero, N. (1996). Insetos no folclore. São Paulo: Plêiade, FAPESP 2nd Edn 1-468 pp. [280] (as Trigona fulviventris, folk name: "vaca", citation)
Marianno, J. (1911). Ensaio sobre as Meliponidas do Brasil.. Rio de Janeiro: edição do autor 1-140 pp. [8, 24, 31, 35, 40, 47, 49, 53, 84, 97-98, 127] (diagnosis [translation of Friese, 1900]; as Trigona fulviventris and "var. nigra", partim: except Pará and citation of Ducke [see Trigona guianae Cockerell], behavior, resin, nest characteristics, virgin queen, folk name: "abelha de cachorro", diagnosis, geographic records, geographic range)
Michener, C. D., Winston, M. L. & Jander, R. (1978). Pollen manipulation and related activities and structures in bees of the family Apidae. Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull. 51 (19): 575-601 [578, 590] (as Trigona (Trigona) fulviventris guianae, partim: [citation of Laroca, 1970 - see also Trigona guianae Cockerell], pollen foraging behavior, cutting anthers: Tibouchina (Melastomataceae))
Mouga, D.M.D.S., Nogueira-Neto, P., Warkentin, M., Feretti, V. & Dec, E. (2015). Comunidade de abelhas (Hymenoptera, Apidae) e plantas associadas em área de mata atlântica em São Francisco do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Acta Biol. Catarinense 2 (1): 12-31 [15] (Distribution)
Moure, J. S. (1944). Abelhas de Monte Alegre (Est. S. Paulo) (Hym. - Apoidea). Pap. Avulsos Zool. (São Paulo) 6 (10): 103-126 [104] (as Trigona (Trigona) fulviventris guianae, geographic record)
Moure, J. S. (1944). Apoidea da coleção do Conde Amadeu A. Barbiellini (Hym. Apoidea). Rev. Entomol. 15 (1-2): 1-18 [1] (as Trigona (Trigona) fulviventris guianae, geographic record, comparative notes)
Moure, J. S., P. Nogueira-Neto & W. E. Kerr (1958). Evolutionary problems among Meliponinae (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Proc. Tenth. Intern. Congr. Ent. 2: 481-493 [485, 486] (? uncertain identity, as Trigona fulviventris guianae, nest entrance, male aggregation)
Nogueira-Neto, P. (1970). A criação de abelhas indígenas sem ferrão (Meliponinae). São Paulo: Tecnapis 2nd Edn 1-365 pp. [31, 41, 48] (as Trigona fulviventris, folk name: "mel-de-cachorro", "abelha-de-cachorro", "abelha-cachorro", "vaca", honey, citation; as Trigona (Trigona) fulviventris guianae and Trigona fulviventris nigra, synonymy, citation)
Pedro, S. R. M. & Camargo, J. M. F. (1999). Apoidea apiformes pp. 193-211 in Brandão, C. R. F. & E. M. Cancello (ed.) Biodiversidade do Estado de São Paulo. Invertebrados Terrestres Vol. 5. São Paulo: Fapesp [201] (as Trigona fulviventris, list)
Por, F. D. (1992). Sooretama, the Atlantic rain forest of Brazil. The Hague: SBP Academic Publishing ix+130 pp. [50] (habitat, citation)
Possamai, B.T, Dec, E. & Mouga, D.M.D.S. (2017). Bee community and trophic resources in Joinville, Santa Catarina. Acta Biol. Catarinense 4 (1): 29-41 [32] (Distribution)
Ramalho, M. (2004). Stingless bees and mass flowering trees in the canopy of Atlantic Forest: a tight relationship. Acta bot. bras. 18 (1): 37-47 [39, 40, 41, 42, 43] (as Trigona fulviventris, partim [except citation of Roubik, 1993, Panama, - see Trigona fulviventris Guérin], habitat, stratum preference, relative abundance, flower records: Dendropananx cunatum (Araliaceae), Baccharis anomala (Asteraceae), Protium widgrenii (Burseraceae), Machaerium nictitans (Fabaceae), Casearia sylvestris (Flacourtiaceae))
Renner, S. (1983). The widespread occurrence of anther destruction by Trigona bees in Melastomataceae. Biotropica 15 (4): 251-256 [252] (s Trigona (Trigona) fulviventris fulviventris and Trigona (Trigona) fulviventris guianae, partim [Serra da Mantiqueira, Serra dos Órgãos, Rio de Janeira, São Paulo, see also Trigona guianae Cockerell], geographic records, foraging behavior, anther destruction, geographic records, flower records: Tibouchina gardineriana, T. granulosa, T. maximiliana, T. moricandiana, T. mutabilis, T. stenocarpa (Melastomataceae), figure)
Sakagami, S. F., Inoue, T., Yamane, S. & Salmah, S. (1989). Nests of the myrmecophilous stingless bee, Trigona moorei: how do bees initiate their nest within an arboreal ant nest?. Biotropica 21 (3): 265-274 [265, 266] (as Trigona (Trigona) fulviventris guianae and Trigona fulviventris guianae, nesting site: in termite nest, citation)
Salt, G. (1929). A contribution to the ethology of the Meliponinae. Trans. Entomol. Soc. Lond. 77 (2): 431-470 [449, 460] (as Trigona fulviventris, partim [citation of Ihering, 1903 - see also Trigona fulviventris Guérin], nesting site: in termite nest, surrounded by colony ants: Camponotus rufipes; as Trigona fulviventris nigra, nesting site: in termitaria and in ant nest [!], citation)
Schwartz Filho, D. & Laroca, S. (1999). A comunidade de abelhas silvestres (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) da Ilha das Cobras (Paraná, Brasil): aspectos ecológicos e biogeográficos. Acta Biol. Paranaense (Curitiba) 28 (1,2,3,4): 19-108 [52, 68, 78, 79] (as Trigona fulviventris guianae, geographic record, nest population, citation)
Schwarz, H. F. (1948). Stingless bees (Meliponidae) of the Western Hemisphere. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 90: xvii+546 [16,21,49, 53,66, 204, 270, 326-327, 332,339,351] (as Trigona (Trigona) braueri, redescription [translation of Ducke, 1925: 413], taxonomic notes, comparative notes; as Trigona (Trigona) fulviventris, partim [citation of Marianno, 1911], queen, folk name: "abelha de cachorro"; as Trigona (Trigona) fulviventris guianae, partim [citation of Ihering, 1903])
Silveira, F. A., G. A. R. Melo & E. A. B. Almeida (2002). Abelhas Brasileiras: Sistemática e Identificação. Belo Horizonte: F. A. Silveira 253 pp. [92] (as Trigona fulviventris, partim: Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Minas Gerais - see Trigona guianae Cockerell], list geographic range)
Spinola, M. (1840). Observationes sur les apiaires meliponides. Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool. Biol. Anim. 13: 116-140 [124] (? uncertain identity, as Trigona ferruginea [non Lepeletier, 1836], list)
Velthuis, H. H. W. (1997). The biology of the stingless bees. Utrecht: Department of Ethology, Utrecht University, The Netherlands and Department of Ecology, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil 1-33 +8 plates pp. [32] (as Trigona fulviventris, vertical distribution, plant visiting)
Viana, B. F. & Alves-dos-Santos, I. (2002). Bee diversity of the coastal sand dunes of Brazil pp. 135-153 in Kevan, P. G. & Imperatriz-Fonseca, V. L. (ed.) Pollinating bees: the conservation link between agriculture and nature. Brasília: Ministry of environment 313 pp. [147] (as Trigona fulviventris guianae, geographic record, habitat, citation)
Wille, A. & C. D. Michener (1973). The nest architecture of stingless bees with special reference to those of Costa Rica. Rev. Biol. Trop. 21 (Suplemento 1): 1-278 [15, 26, 49, 60, 72] (as Trigona (Trigona) fulviventris guianae, nesting site: tree cavities, nest characteristics, citation)
Wilms, W., Imperatriz-Fonseca, V. L. & Engels, W. (1996). Resource partitioning between highly eusocial bees and possible impact of the introduced africanized honey bee on native stingless bees in the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest. Stud. Neotrop. Fauna & Environm. 31: 137-151 [140, 149] (as Trigona fulviventris, relative abundance)
Zanella, F. C. V., Schwartz Filho, D. & Laroca, S. (1998). Tropical bee island biogeography: diversity and abundance patterns. Biogeographica 74 (3): 103-115 [107] (as Trigona fulviventris guianae, geographic record, relative abundance)

How to cite this page
J. M. F. Camargo, S. R. M. Pedro & G. A. R. Melo, 2023. Meliponini Lepeletier, 1836. In Moure, J. S., Urban, D. & Melo, G. A. R. (Orgs). Catalogue of Bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) in the Neotropical Region - online version. Available at Accessed Sep/08/2024

Online since: 23 Jul 2008
Last update : 17 Jul 2023

APIDAE ›› Apinae ›› Meliponini ›› Trigona