
buscar esse táxon em outros sistemas Trigona necrophaga Camargo & Roubik, 1991

Trigona necrophaga Camargo, J. M. F. & Roubik, D. W. (1991). Systematics and bionomics of the apoid obligate necrophages: the Trigona hypogea group (Hymenoptera: Apidae; Meliponinae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 44: 13-39 [28] .
Type data: holotype USNM 8950839 <F> worker , allotype USNM <M> male (1) , paratype RPSP 830833-850838, 850840-850849, <F> workers (14), male () , paratype RPSP <F> workers (2) , paratype RPSP <F> worker , paratype RPSP <M> male (1) , paratype STRI <F> workers, <M> males (several).
Type locality: Portobelo, Colón, Panama, 15 km SW, Santa Rita Ridge Road, km 20, IV.1985, Roubik, leg..


Neotropical Region: Costa Rica, Panama (Colón, Panamá, San Blas)


Camargo, J. M. F. (1992). Sistemática e comportamento dos Meliponinae necrófagos obrigatórios: o grupo Trigona hypogea Silvestri (Hymenoptera, Apidae). (Comentários sobre o mecanismo de pré-adaptação). [thesis abstract] pp. 82-83 in Soares, A. E. E. & De Jong, D. (ed.) Pesquisas com abelhas no Brasil. Ribeirão Preto: Revista Brasileira de Genética 680 pp. [82, 83] (systematics, bionomics, geographic range, taxonomic characters, behavior, necrophagy, honey characteristics)
Camargo, J. M. F., Garcia, M. V. B., Júnior, E. R. Q. & Castrillon, A. (1992). Notas prévias sobre a bionomia de Ptilotrigona lurida (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponinae): associação de leveduras em pólen estocado. Bol. Mus. Para. Emílio Goeldi, sér. Zool. 8 (2): 391-395 [393] (association: bacteria, citation)
Camargo, J. M. F. & Pedro, S. R. M. (2002). Mutualistic association between a tiny amazonian stingless bee and a wax-producing scale insect. Biotropica 34 (3): 446-451 [447] (animal protein, citation)
Camargo, J. M. F. & Roubik, D. W. (1991). Systematics and bionomics of the apoid obligate necrophages: the Trigona hypogea group (Hymenoptera: Apidae; Meliponinae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 44: 13-39 [13, 14,15, 16,17,19, 20,22, 23, 24,25, 28-32,33, 34,35,38] (geographic records, comparative notes, foraging behavior, necrophagy, carcass visiting: toads, frogs, lizards, snakes, birds, fish, pork and poultry, synonymy, description, nesting site: hollow of tree: Lecythis (Lecythidaceae), Calophyllum longifolium (Guttiferae), nest population, honey, sugar concentration, behavior, odor trail, nest characteristics, resins, seeds collecting: Vismia (Guttiferae), morphometrics, figures: nest entrance, worker, male)
Cameron, S. A. (1993). Multiple origins of advanced eusociality in bees inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of 90: 8687-8691 [8687, 8688, 8689] (as Trigona hypogea, molecular analysis, DNA, phylogeny)
Cepeda, O. I. A. (1996). Hongos y bacterios asociados con colonias de meliponinos (Apidae: Meliponinae). Tacaya 5: 7-9 [7] (as Trigona hypogea and Trigona (Trigona) hypogea, larval food associate: Bacillus pumilus, B. megaterium, B. subtilis, B. circulans, B. licheniformis, necrophagy, citation)
Delfinado-Baker, M., Baker, E. W. & Roubik, D. W. (1983). A new genus and species of Hypoaspidinae (Acari: Laelapidae) from nests of stingless bees. Internat. J. Acarol. 9 (4): 195-203 [196] (as Trigona hypogea, inquiline mite: Neohypoaspis ampliseta (Laelapidae, Acari))
Gilliam, M., Buchmann, S. L., Lorenz, B. J. & Roubik, D. W. (1985). Microbiology of the larval provisions of the stingless bee, Trigona hypogea, on a obligate necrophage. Biotropica 17 (1): 28-31 [28-31] (as Trigona hypogea, larval food associates: Bacillus pumilus, B. megaterium, B. subtilis, B. circulans, B. licheniformis, enzymes)
Griswold, T., Parker, F. D. & Hanson, P. E. (1995). The bees (Apidae) pp. 650-691 in Hanson, P. E. & Gauld, I. D. (ed.) The Hymenoptera of Costa Rica. London: Natural History Museum 893 pp. [685, 687, 690] (as Trigona (Trigona) necrophaga, nesting site: tree, obligate necrophagy, citation)
Koulianos, S., Schmid-Hempel, R., Roubik, D. W. & Schmid-Hempel, P. (1999). Phylogenetic relationships within the corbiculate Apinae (Hymenoptera) and the evolution of eusociality. J. Evol. Biol. 12: 380-384 [381, 382] (molecular analysis, phylogeny)
Lorenzon, M. C. A. & Matrangolo, C. A. R. (2005). Foraging on some nonfloral resources by stingless bees (Hymenoptera, Meliponini) in a caatinga region. Braz. Journ. Biol. 65 (2): 291-298 [292] (necrophagy, citation)
Mateus, S. & Noll, F. B. (2004). Predatory behavior in a necrophagous bee Trigona hypogea (Hymenoptera; Apidae, Meliponini). Naturwissenschaften 91: 94-96 [94] (necrophagy, citation)
Michener, C. D. (1990). Classification of the Apidae (Hymenoptera). Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull. 54 (4): 75-164 [101] (as Trigona (Trigona) species near hypogea, figure: labial palpi)
Michener, C. D. (2000). The bees of the World. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press 913 pp. [804] (as Trigona (Trigona) necrophaga, necrophagy, citation)
Michener, C. D. & Roubik, D. W. (1993). Observations on the labium of meliponine bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) pp. 251-265 in Inoue, T. & Yamane, S. (ed.) Evolution of insect societies: Comparative sociology of bees, wasps and ants. Tokyo: Hakuhin-sha Publishing Co. [252, 259, 261, 262, 264] (as Trigona (Trigona) hypogea and Trigona (Trigona) species near hypogea, morphology, labial palpi, setae, figure)
Nates-Parra, G. (2001). Las abejas sin aguijón (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini) de Colombia. Biota Colombiana 2 (3): 233-248 [233] (necrophagy, citation)
Nieh, J. C. (2004). Recruitment communication in stingless bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponini). Apidologie 35: 159-182 [165] (necrophagy, odor trail, citation)
Nogueira-Neto, P. (1997). Vida e criação de abelhas indígenas sem ferrão. São Paulo: Editora Nogueirapis 1-446 pp. [33, 246, 386-387] (as Trigona hypogea, partim: citation of Roubik, 1982 and Delfinado-Baker et al., 1983, inquiline: Neohypoaspis ampliseta (Laelapidae, Acari); as Trigona necrophaga, necrophagy, note)
Noll, F. B., Zucchi, R., Jorge, J. A. & Mateus, S. (1996). Food collection and maturation in the necrophagous stingless bees, Trigona hypogea (Hymenoptera: Meliponinae). J. Kansas Entomol. Soc. 69 (4): 287-293 [287] (necrophagy, note, citation)
Oliveira, M. L. & Morato, E. F. (2000). Stingless bees (Hymenoptera, Meliponini) feeding on stinkhorn spores (Fungi, Phallales): robbery or dispersal?. Rev. Bras. Zool. 17 (3): 881-884 [882] (necrophagy, citation)
Roubik, D. W. (1982). Obligate necrophagy in a social bee. Science 217: 1059-1060 [1059-1060] (as Trigona (Trigona) hypogea, foraging behavior, necrophagy, carcasses visiting: Amyva sp., Gonatodes albigularis, Bufo marinus, Physalemus pustulosus, figures)
Roubik, D. W. (1983). Nest and colony characteristics of stingless bees from Panamá (Hymenoptera: Apidae). J. Kansas Entomol. Soc. 53 (6): 327-355 [327, 330, 334, 343, 344, 345, 346, 349, 350, 353] (as Trigona (Trigona) hypogea, partim [except page 353, citation of Silvestri, 1902], obligate necrophagy, nesting site: tree cavity, geographic records, nest characteristics, comparative notes, nest population, figure: nest entrance, honey, sugar concentration)
Roubik, D. W. (1989). Ecology and natural history of tropical bees. New York: Cambridge University Press 1-514 +x pp. [229] (as Trigona "hypogea", commensal: Cryptocellus gamboa (Ricinulei))
Roubik, D. W. (1992). Stingless Bees: A guide to Panamanian and Mesoamerican species and their nests (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponinae) pp. 495-524 in Quintero, D. & A. Aiello (ed.) Insects of Panama and Mesoamerica. Selected Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press 692 pp. [504, 507, 519, 523] (as Trigona (Trigona) aff. hypogea, key, taxonomic notes, nesting site: in living trees, nest entrance, behavior, folk name: "zagaño no agresivo", geographic range)
Roubik, D. W. (1993). Direct costs of forest reproduction, bee-cycling and the efficiency of pollination modes. Journal of Biosciences 18 (4): 537-553 [548] (habitat, geographic range)
Roubik, D. W., Yanega, D., Aluja S., M., Buchmann, S. L. & Inouye, D. W. (1995). On optimal nectar foraging by some tropical bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Apidologie 26: 197-211 [199, 200, 201, 208] (nectar, sugar concentration, total dissolved solids, synonymy, geographic range, liquified flesh foraging habit, non-floral nectar)
Schultz, T. R., Engel, M. S. & Prentice, M. (1999). Resolving conflict between morphological and molecular evidence for the origin of eusociality in the "corbiculate" bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae): a hypothesis-testing approach pp. 125-138 in Byers, G. W., Hagen, R. H. & Brooks, R. W. (ed.) Entomological contributions in memory of Byron A. Alexander. University of Kansas Natural History Museum Special Publications 24. Lawrence: University of Kansas Natural History Museum [130] (morphology, molecular analysis, DNA, phylogeny)
Serrão, J. E. & Cruz-Landim, C. (1996). Notes on the proventriculus structure of some Trigona species (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponinae). Rev. Bras. Entomol. 40 (1): 1-2 [1] (note)
Serrão, J. E., Cruz-Landim, C. & Silva-de-Moraes, R. L. M. (1997). Morphological and biochemical analysis of the stored and larval food of an obligate necrophagous bee, Trigona hypogea. Insectes Soc. 44: 337-344 [338, 343] (geographic range, necrophagy, citation)
Smith-Pardo, A. H. (2003). A preliminary account of the bees of Colombia (Hymenoptera: Apoidea): present knowledge and future directions. J. Kansas Entomol. Soc. 76 (2): 335-341 [338] (? uncertain identity, as Trigona (Trigona) necrophaga, list)
Wille, A. (1983). Biology of the stingless bees. Ann. Rev. Entomol. 28: 41-64 [56, 57] (as Trigona hypogea, necrophagy, citation)

How to cite this page
J. M. F. Camargo, S. R. M. Pedro & G. A. R. Melo, 2023. Meliponini Lepeletier, 1836. In Moure, J. S., Urban, D. & Melo, G. A. R. (Orgs). Catalogue of Bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) in the Neotropical Region - online version. Available at Accessed Oct/18/2024

Online since: 23 Jul 2008
Last update : 17 Jul 2023

APIDAE ›› Apinae ›› Meliponini ›› Trigona