APIDAE ›› Apinae ›› Meliponini ›› Trigona

buscar esse táxon em outros sistemas Trigona dallatorreana Friese, 1900
Common Names: "kukraire", "tu", "sicae-amarilla-chica"
Trigona dallatorreana Friese, H. (1900). Neue arten der Bienengattungen Melipona Ill. Und Trigona Jur. Természetr. Füz. 23: 381-394 [387] .
Type data: lectotype HNHM 685/62 <F> worker, paralectotype ZMB <F> workers (7?) .
Subsequent designation: Camargo, J. M. F. & Pedro, S. R. M. (2007). Meliponini Lepeletier, 1836 pp. 272-578 in Moure, J. S., Urban, D. & Melo, G. A. R. (ed.) Catalogue of Bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) in the Neotropical Region. Curitiba: Sociedade Brasileira de Entomologia xiv + 1058 pp. [536] (designation of the lectotype by Claus Rasmussen, in litt., 29.III.2006) .
Type locality: Pebas, Peru.
Etymology: homage to Prof. K. W. Dalla Torre.


Neotropical Region: Bolivia (El Beni, La Paz, Santa Cruz), Brazil (Amapá, Amazonas [Japurá, Manaus, Santa Isabel Do Rio Negro, Santo Antônio Do Içá, São Gabriel Da Cachoeira], Maranhão [Alcântara, Buriticupu, São Luís], Mato Grosso [Chapada Dos Guimarães, Nova Ubiratã], Pará [Belém, Conceição Do Araguaia, Cumaru Do Norte, Faro, Itaituba], Rondônia, Tocantins [Esperantina]), Colombia (Amazonas, Caquetá, Cundinamarca, Guainía, Guaviare, Meta), Guyana (Cuyuni-Mazaruni, Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo), Peru (Huánuco, Junín, Loreto, Madre de Dios, Ucayali), Suriname, Venezuela (Amazonas)


Almeida, R.P.S., Arruda, F.V., Silva, D.P., & Coelho, B.W.T. (2019). Bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) in an Ecotonal Cerrado-Amazon Region in Brazil. Sociobiology 66 (3): 457-466 [461] (Distribution record)
Cabrera Becerra, G. & Nates-Parra, G. (1999). Uso de las abejas por comunidades indígenas: los Nukak y las abejas sin aguijón pp. 59-70 in Nates-Parra, G. (ed.) Programa, Resúmenes y Memorias III Reunión de la IUSSI Bolivariana. Santafé de Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia 122 pp. [62, 63, 65, 66, 67] (as Trigona (Trigona) dallatorreana, ethobiology, Nukak indians, folk name: "tu", exposed nest, defense behavior, honey, domestication, citation)
Camargo, J. M. F. (1988). Meliponinae (Hymenoptera, Apidae) da coleção do "Istituto di Entomologia Agraria", Portici, Itália. Rev. Bras. Entomol. 32 (3/4): 351–374 [366] (geographic records)
Camargo, J. M. F. (1994). Biogeografia de Meliponini (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Apinae): a fauna amazônica pp. 46-59 in Zucchi, R., Drumond, P. M., Fernandes-da-Silva, P. G. & Augusto, S. C. (ed.) Anais do I Encontro Sobre Abelhas. Ribeirão Preto: Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo xx+308 pp. [50, 53] (list, nesting site: exposed, on slender branches of higher trees)
Camargo, J. M. F. (1996). Meliponini neotropicais: o gênero Camargoia Moure, 1989 (Apinae, Apidae, Hymenoptera). Arq. Zool. (São Paulo) 33 (2): 71-92 [78] (comparative note, taxonomic note)
Camargo, J. M. F., Garcia, M. V. B., Júnior, E. R. Q. & Castrillon, A. (1992). Notas prévias sobre a bionomia de Ptilotrigona lurida (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponinae): associação de leveduras em pólen estocado. Bol. Mus. Para. Emílio Goeldi, sér. Zool. 8 (2): 391-395 [392] (stored pollen, water percentage)
Camargo, J. M. F. & Posey, D. A. (1990). O conhecimento dos Kayapó sobre as abelhas sociais sem ferrão (Meliponidae [sic], Apidae, Hymenoptera): notas adicionais. Bol. Mus. Para. Emílio Goeldi, sér. Zool. 6 (1): 17-42 [21, 35] (ethnobiology, Kayapó indians, folk name: "ku-krãi-re", domestication)
Cockerell, T. D. A (1920). Some neotropical meliponid bees. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 42: 459-468 [463] (key)
Crane, E. (1999). The world history of beekeeping and honey hunting. New York: Routledge xxii+682 pp. [289] (as Trigona (Trigona) dallatorreana, nest size, beekeeping)
Cruz-Landim, C. & Mota, M. H. V. B. (1990). Occurrence of tegumentary glands in stingless bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponinae) pp. 587-588 in Veeresh, G. K., Mallik, B. & Viraktamath, C. A. (ed.) Social insects and the environment: proceedings of the 11th international congress of IUSSI, Bangalore, India. New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. xxxi+765 pp. [587] (as Trigona dalattorreana [sic], tegumentary glands)
Ducke, A. (1902). Die stachellosen Bienen (Melipona Ill.) von Pará, nach dem Materiale der Sammlung des Museu Goeldi beschrieben. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Geogr. Biol. Tiere 17: 285-328 [290, 301-302] (as Melipona (Trigona) dallatorreana, key, description, diagnosis, figure, flower record: Amaranthaceae, nesting site: in termite nest)
Ducke, A. (1902). Beobachtungen über Blütenbesuch, Erscheinungszeit etc. der bei Pará vorkommenden Bienen. Allg. Z. Entomol. 7 (20): 417-422 [420] (as Melipona dallatorreana, geographic record, flower record: Amaranthus spinosus (Amaranthaceae))
Ducke, A. (1907). Contribution a la connaissance de la faune Hyménoptérologique du Nord-Est du Brésil. Revue d' Entomologie 26: 73-96 [89] (as Trigona Dallatorreana [sic], list, geographic record)
Ducke, A. (1916). Enumeração dos Hymenopteros colligidos pela Comissão e Revisão das espécies de abelhas do Brasil. Comm. Lin. Teleg. Estr. M. Gr. ao Amazonas 35: 3-171 [13, 31, 71, 72-74, 75] (as Melipona dallatorreana, geographic range [unnumbered table, after page 28], description, diagnosis, taxonomic notes, geographic records, nesting site: termite nest, comparative notes, figure: hind tibia, plate 5 - figure 15)
Ducke, A. (1925). Die stachellosen Bienen (Melipona) Brasiliens, Nach morphologischen und ethologischen Merkmalen geordnet. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Geogr. Biol. Tiere 49: 335-448 [343, 351, 384-385, 386] (as Melipona dallatorreana, geographic range, key, diagnosis, nesting site: termite nest, geographic record, taxonomic note, comparative note, figure: hind leg, plate 4 - figure 12)
Engel, M. S. & Dingemans-Bakels, F. (1980). Nectar and pollen resources for stingless bees (Meliponinae, Hymenoptera) in Surinam (South America). Apidologie 11 (4): 341-350 [342, 345] (behavior, chewing on leaves: Citrus , citation, flower record: Cocos nucifera (Palmae))
Gonzalez, V. H. (2000). Meliponini (Hymenoptera: Apidae) del noroccidente del departamento del Caquetá, Colombia: lista preliminar y perspectivas en su exploitación. Tacaya 10: 6-8 [8] (list, geographic record)
Kerr, W. E., Carvalho, G. A. & Nascimento, V. A. (1996). Ninhos de meliponíneos pp. 31-35 in Kerr, W. E., Carvalho, G. A. & Nascimento, V. A. (ed.) Abelha Uruçu. Biologia, Manejo e Conservação. Belo Horizonte: Fundação Acangaú 144 pp. [32] (nest)
Laroca, S. & M. C. Almeida (1994). O relicto de cerrado de Jaguariaíva, (Paraná, Brasil): I. padrões biogeográficos, melissocenoses e flora melissófila. Acta Biol. Paranaense (Curitiba) 23 (1,2,3,4): 89-101 [101] (habitat, citation)
Lutz, F. E. (1924). Some characters of American Meliponidae pp. 202-232 in Lutz, F. E. Apparently non-selective characters and combinations of characters, including a study of ultraviolet in relation to the flower visiting habits of insects. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 29: 181–283 [205, 207, 210, 216] (taxonomic characters, figure: mandible)
Marianno, J. (1911). Ensaio sobre as Meliponidas do Brasil.. Rio de Janeiro: edição do autor 1-140 pp. [90-91] (diagnosis, flower record: Amaranthaceae, nesting site: termite nest, citation)
Marques-Souza, A. C., Absy, M. L., Kerr, W. E. & Peralta, F. J. A. (1995). Pólen coletado por duas espécies de meliponíneos (Hymenoptera: Apidae) da Amazônia. Rev. Bras. Biol. 55 (4): 855-864 [863] (flower record: Cocos nucifera (Arecaceae), citation)
Melo, G.A.R. & Muniz, D.B. (2021). Abelhas sociais sem ferrão (Apidae, Meliponini) - Stingless bees (Apidae, Meliponini) pp. 246-261 in Rodrigues, D.J., Barbosa, F.R., Noronha, J.N., Carpanedo, R.S., Tourinho, A.L. & Battirola, L.D. (ed.) Biodiversidade da Estação Ecológica do Rio Ronuro - Biodiversity of the Rio Ronuro Ecological Station. Cuiabá: Fundação Uniselva 408 pp. [252] (Distribution record, as Trigona dallatorreana)
Mercado, N. K. (1968). Contribución al conocimiento de las abejas indígenas (Meloponidae) [sic] de departamento de Santa Cruz. La Paz: Editorial Don Bosco 1-7 pp. [5] (as Trigona (Trigona) dellatorreana [sic], folk name: "sicae amarilla chica", geographic record)
Michener, C. D. & Roubik, D. W. (1993). Observations on the labium of meliponine bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) pp. 251-265 in Inoue, T. & Yamane, S. (ed.) Evolution of insect societies: Comparative sociology of bees, wasps and ants. Tokyo: Hakuhin-sha Publishing Co. [260] (as Trigona (Trigona) dallatorreana, morphology, labium)
Mota, M. H. V. B. (1992). Estudo comparativo das glândulas epidérmicas do abdômen dos meliponíneos (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponinae). [thesis abstract] pp. 320-322 in Soares, A. E. E. & De Jong, D. (ed.) Pesquisas com abelhas no Brasil. Ribeirão Preto: Revista Brasileira de Genética 680 pp. [320, 321] (as Trigona dalattorreana [sic], epidermal glands)
Nates-Parra, G. (2001). Las abejas sin aguijón (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini) de Colombia. Biota Colombiana 2 (3): 233-248 [240] (as Trigona (Trigona) dallatorreana, partim: except Chocó, Magdalena, geographic range, altitudinal range)
Nogueira-Neto, P. (1962). The scutellum nest structure of Trigona (Trigona) spinipes Fab. (Hymenoptera: Apidae). J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc. 70: 239-264 [240, 260, 263] (as Trigona (Trigona) amalthea, partim [citation of Weyrauch, 1942], thermal regulation, nest characteristics)
Oliveira, M. L. (2001). Stingless bees (Meliponini) and orchid bees (Euglossini) in terra firme tropical forests and forest fragments pp. 208-218 in Bierregaard, Jr., R. O., Gascon, C., Lovejoy, T. E. & Mesquita, R. C. G. (ed.) Lessons from Amazonia. The ecology and conservation of a fragmented forest. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Yale University Press, Smithsonian Institution [210] (list, geographic record, habitat, forest fragments)
Oliveira, M. L. (2002). As abelhas sem ferrão na vida dos seringueiros e dos Kaxinawá do alto rio Juruá, Acre, Brasil pp. 615-630 in Cunha, M. C. & Almeida, M. B. (ed.) Enciclopédia da Floresta. O Alto Juruá: Práticas e conhecimentos das populações. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras 735 pp. [629] (? uncertain identity, [error, probably it is not T. dallatorreana], folk name: "tataíra-grande" [?], nesting site: tree cavities [error])
Oliveira, M. L., Morato, E. F. & Garcia, M. V. B. (1995). Diversidade de espécies e densidade de ninhos de abelhas sociais sem ferrão (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponinae) em floresta de terra firme na Amazônia Central. Rev. Bras. Zool. 12 (1): 13-24 [16, 18] (list, geographic record, habitat, forest fragments)
Pakaluk, J. & Slipinski, S. A. (1995). Crowsoninus paraensis, a new species of Neotropical Rhizophagidae from the nest of the stingless bee Trigona dallatorreana Friese (Hymenoptera: Apidae) (Coleoptera: Cucujoidea). Genus 6 (3-4): 337-340 [339] (geographic record, inquiline: Crowsonius parensis (Rhizophagidae, Coleoptera))
Parra, G. (1984). Censo parcial de las abejas sin aguijon (Apidae-Meliponinae) del Occidente Colombiano. Cespedesia 13 (49-50): 277-290 [286] (as Trigona (Trigona) cf. dallatorreana, geographic record, nesting site: exposed, on tree)
Parra, G. (1990). Bionomia de las abejas sin aguijon (Apidae Meliponinae) del Occidente Colombiano. Cespedesia 57-58: 77-116 [80, 81, 82, 83, 93, 95, 98] (? uncertain identity, as Trigona (Trigona) cf. dallatorreana, nest material, nest entrance, defense behavior, nesting site: exposed, on tree, habitat, geographic record, nest characteristics)
Posey, D. A. (1983). Keeping of stingless bees by the Kayapó indians of Brazil. J. Ethnobiol. 3 (1): 63-73 [64, 66, 68, 69, 71] (as Trigona (Trigona) dallatorreana, ethnobiology, Kayapó indians, geographic records, folk name: "kukraire", honey, pollen uses, aggressiveness, semi-domestication)
Posey, D. A. (1986). Etnoentomologia de tribos indígenas da Amazônia [in large part translation of Posey & Camargo, 1985] pp. 251-271 in Ribeiro, D. (ed.), Ribeiro, B. G. (coord.) (ed.) Suma Etnológica Brasileira, 1 Etnobiologia. Petrópolis: Ed. Vozes / FINEP 302 pp. [256, 257] (ethnobiology, Kayapó indians, domestication, folk name: "kukraire", honey, pollen uses, defense behavior)
Posey, D. A. & Camargo, J. M. F. (1985). Additional notes on the classification and knowledge of stingless bees (Meliponinae, Apidae, Hymenoptera) by the Kayapó Indians of Gorotire, Pará, Brazil. Ann. Carnegie Mus. 54: 247-274 [260, 266, 267] (ethnobiology, Kayapó indians, classification, arboreal nest, folk name: "ku-krãi-re", domestication)
Rebêlo, J. M. M., Rêgo, M. M. C. & Albuquerque, P. M. C. (2003). Abelhas (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) da região setentrional do Estado do Maranhão, Brasil pp. 265-278 in Melo, G. A. R. & Alves-dos-Santos, I. (ed.) Apoidea Neotropica: Homenagem aos 90 anos de Jesus Santiago Moure. Criciúma: Editora UNESC 320 pp. [268, 272] (geographic range, geographic record, citation)
Rech, A.R. & Absy, M.L. (2011). Pollen storages in nests of bees of the genera Partamona, Scaura and Trigona (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Rev. Bras. Entomol. 55 (3): 361-372 [363] (Distribution record)
Renner, S. (1983). The widespread occurrence of anther destruction by Trigona bees in Melastomataceae. Biotropica 15 (4): 251-256 [252, 253] (as Trigona (Trigona) dallatorreana, geographic records, behavior, anther destruction: Bellucia grossularioides, B. imperialis, Desmoscelis villosa, H. horridula, [=Henriettea ?] (Melastomataceae))
Roubik, D. W. (1989). Ecology and natural history of tropical bees. New York: Cambridge University Press 1-514 +x pp. [156, 202, 417] (foraging behavior, illegitimate remotion of pollen: Bellucia, Desmoscelis, rotten wood collecting, nest construction, citation, figure)
Roubik, D. W. (1990). Nesting and defence in tropical honeybees and stingless bees: you are what eats you? pp. 662-663 in Veeresh, G. K., Mallik, B. & Viraktamath, C. A. (ed.) Social insects and the environment: proceedings of the 11th international congress of IUSSI, Bangalore, India. New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. xxxi+765 pp. [662] (nest material)
Salt, G. (1929). A contribution to the ethology of the Meliponinae. Trans. Entomol. Soc. Lond. 77 (2): 431-470 [449] (nesting site: in termitarium, geographic record, citation)
Santos, F. M., Carvalho, C. A. L. & Silva, R. F. (2004). Diversidade de abelhas (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) em uma área de transição (Cerrado-Amazônia). Acta Amazonica 34 (2): 310-328 [322] (geographic record, relative abundance)
Schwarz, H. F. (1932). The genus Melipona the type genus of the Meliponidae or stingless bees. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 63 (4): 231-460 [253, 256] (phylogeny, taxonomic character)
Schwarz, H. F. (1938). The stingless bees (Meliponidae) of British Guiana and some related forms. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 74: 437-508 [438, 443, 459-460] (as Trigona (Trigona) dallatorreana, geographic range, key, synonymy, geographic records, taxonomic notes, figures: plate 52 - figures E, E': head, plate 53 - figures G, H: hind leg)
Schwarz, H. F. (1948). Stingless bees (Meliponidae) of the Western Hemisphere. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 90: xvii+546 [24, 83, 108, 115, 200, 201, 206, 209, 252, 308, 319, 320-326] (as Trigona (Trigona) dallatorreana, collected at night, hamuli, taxonomic characters, male, keys: worker, male, comparative notes, melanism, synonymy, diagnosis, description, notes on types, taxonomy, flower record: Amaranthus spinosus, nesting site: termite nest, geographic records, figures: hind leg, male genitalia; ? uncertain identity, as Trigona (Trigona) trinidadensis trinidadensis, partim [citation of Weyrauch, 1942: 62-64], nest characteristics, geographic record)
Silveira, F. A., G. A. R. Melo & E. A. B. Almeida (2002). Abelhas Brasileiras: Sistemática e Identificação. Belo Horizonte: F. A. Silveira 253 pp. [92] (list, geographic range)
Smith-Pardo, A. H. (2003). A preliminary account of the bees of Colombia (Hymenoptera: Apoidea): present knowledge and future directions. J. Kansas Entomol. Soc. 76 (2): 335-341 [338] (as Trigona (Trigona) dallatorreana, list)
Velthuis, H. H. W. (1997). The biology of the stingless bees. Utrecht: Department of Ethology, Utrecht University, The Netherlands and Department of Ecology, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil 1-33 +8 plates pp. [16] (nest characteristics, figures 5a,b [unnumbered pages]: nest)
Weyrauch, W. (1942). Nidos de insectos peruanos en el Museo de Historia Natural. Bol. Mus.Hist. Nat. "Javier Prado" VI (20): 52-66 [63-64] (? uncertain identity, as Trigona sp., figure: nest, geographic record, nest characteristics)
Wille, A. & C. D. Michener (1973). The nest architecture of stingless bees with special reference to those of Costa Rica. Rev. Biol. Trop. 21 (Suplemento 1): 1-278 [14, 15, 25, 49, 60, 71] (as Trigona (Trigona) dallatorreana, nesting site: exposed, citation; as Trigona (Trigona) amalthea, partim [citation of Weyrauch, 1942], nesting site: exposed, nest characteristics)

How to cite this page
J. M. F. Camargo, S. R. M. Pedro & G. A. R. Melo, 2023. Meliponini Lepeletier, 1836. In Moure, J. S., Urban, D. & Melo, G. A. R. (Orgs). Catalogue of Bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) in the Neotropical Region - online version. Available at https://www.moure.cria.org.br/catalogue. Accessed Sep/16/2024

Online since: 23 Jul 2008
Last update : 17 Jul 2023

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