APIDAE ›› Apinae ›› Meliponini ›› Nannotrigona

buscar esse táxon em outros sistemas Nannotrigona melanocera (Schwarz, 1938)
Trigona (Nannotrigona) testaceicornis melanocera Schwarz, H. F. (1938). The stingless bees (Meliponidae) of British Guiana and some related forms. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 74: 437-508 [485] .
Type data: holotype USNM 53067 <F> worker , paratype USNM <F> workers , paratype AMNH <F> workers , paratype CUIC 2809 <F> workers (2) , paratype BMNH <F> workers (3).
Type locality: Santa Elena, VIII.1921-1922, Bolivia, W. M. Mann leg., Mulford Biological Expedition.


Neotropical Region: Bolivia (El Beni, La Paz), Brazil (Acre, Amazonas, Rondônia), Colombia (Meta), Peru (Junín, San Martín)


Baumgartner, D. L. & Roubik, D. W. (1989). Ecology of Necrophilous and Filth-Gathering Stingless Bees (Apidae: Meliponinae) of Peru. J. Kansas Entomol. Soc. 62 (1): 11-22 [14] (non-floral baits, altitudinal range, asynanthropy)
Camargo, J. M. F. (1988). Meliponinae (Hymenoptera, Apidae) da coleção do "Istituto di Entomologia Agraria", Portici, Itália. Rev. Bras. Entomol. 32 (3/4): 351–374 [356] (geographic record, taxonomic characters, taxonomic note)
Camargo, J. M. F. (1994). Biogeografia de Meliponini (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Apinae): a fauna amazônica pp. 46-59 in Zucchi, R., Drumond, P. M., Fernandes-da-Silva, P. G. & Augusto, S. C. (ed.) Anais do I Encontro Sobre Abelhas. Ribeirão Preto: Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo xx+308 pp. [50] (list, nest)
Cruz-Landim, C. & Mota, M. H. V. B. (1990). Occurrence of tegumentary glands in stingless bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponinae) pp. 587-588 in Veeresh, G. K., Mallik, B. & Viraktamath, C. A. (ed.) Social insects and the environment: proceedings of the 11th international congress of IUSSI, Bangalore, India. New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. xxxi+765 pp. [587] (tegumentary glands)
Jaramillo, J., Ospina, R. & Gonzalez, V.H. (2019). Stingless bees of the genus Nannotrigona Cockerell (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini) in Colombia. Zootaxa 4706 (2): 349-365 [351, 355] (Key, descriptive note, distribution record)
Michener, C. D. (1954). Bees of Panamá. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 104 (1): 5-175 [171] (as Trigona (Nannotrigona) mellaria melanocera, taxonomic note)
Mota, M. H. V. B. (1992). Estudo comparativo das glândulas epidérmicas do abdômen dos meliponíneos (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponinae). [thesis abstract] pp. 320-322 in Soares, A. E. E. & De Jong, D. (ed.) Pesquisas com abelhas no Brasil. Ribeirão Preto: Revista Brasileira de Genética 680 pp. [320, 321] (epidermal glands)
Moure, J. S. (1944). Abejas del Perú. Bol. Mus.Hist. Nat. "Javier Prado" 8 (28, 29): 67-75 [71] (list)
Nates-Parra, G. (2001). Las abejas sin aguijón (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini) de Colombia. Biota Colombiana 2 (3): 233-248 [238] (? uncertain identity, geographic range, altitudinal range)
Pedro, S. R. M. & Camargo, J. M. F. (2003). Meliponini neotropicais: o gênero Partamona Schwarz, 1939 (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Rev. Bras. Entomol. 47 (Supl. 1): 1-117 [94] (figure: hind leg)
Rasmussen, C. (2003). Brodloese honningbier i Peru. Naturens Verden 86 (9): 14-25 [14, 20, 23] (figures: nest, nest characteristics, nest entrance, pillage, artificial hive)
Rasmussen, C. & Castillo, P. S. (2003). Estudio preliminar de la Meliponicultura o apicultura silvestre en el Perú (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Meliponini). Revista Peruana de Entomologia 43: 159-164 [162] (geographic record, nest aggregation)
Rasmussen, C. & Gonzalez, V. H. (2017). The neotropical stingless bee genus Nannotrigona Cockerell (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini): An illustrated key, notes on the types, and designation of lectotypes. Zootaxa 4299 (2): 191-220 [203] (Taxonomy, as Nannotrigona melanocera)
Schwarz, H. F. (1938). The stingless bees (Meliponidae) of British Guiana and some related forms. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 74: 437-508 [485-486] (as Trigona (Nannotrigona) testaceicornis melanocera, partim [except specimens from Venezuela], description, traxonomic notes, geographic records)
Silveira, F. A., G. A. R. Melo & E. A. B. Almeida (2002). Abelhas Brasileiras: Sistemática e Identificação. Belo Horizonte: F. A. Silveira 253 pp. [90] (list, geographic range)
Smith-Pardo, A. H. (2003). A preliminary account of the bees of Colombia (Hymenoptera: Apoidea): present knowledge and future directions. J. Kansas Entomol. Soc. 76 (2): 335-341 [338] (? uncertain identity, list)

How to cite this page
J. M. F. Camargo, S. R. M. Pedro & G. A. R. Melo, 2023. Meliponini Lepeletier, 1836. In Moure, J. S., Urban, D. & Melo, G. A. R. (Orgs). Catalogue of Bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) in the Neotropical Region - online version. Available at https://www.moure.cria.org.br/catalogue. Accessed Sep/16/2024

Online since: 23 Jul 2008
Last update : 17 Jul 2023

Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos, Finep
Universidade Federal do Paraná, UFPR
Centro de Referência em Informação Ambiental, CRIA