APIDAE Halictinae Augochlorini Megalopta
Megalopta amoena (Spinola, 1853)
Halictus amoenus
Spinola, M. (1853). Compte rendu des hyménoptères inédits provenants du voyage entomologique de M. Ghiliani dans le Para en 1846. Mem. R. Accad. Sci. Torino (2) 13: 19-94 [85] .
Type data: holotype MSNT <M>.
Type locality: Brazil, Pará.
Megalopta idalia
Smith, F. (1853). Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. Part I. Andrenidae and Apidae. London: British Museum 1-198 pp. [84] .
Type data: syntype BMNH <F><M>.
Type locality: Brazil: Amazonas; Pará, Santarém.
Halictus argoides
Vachal, J. (1904). Étude sur les Halictus d’Amerique (Hym.). Misc. Entomol. 12: 113-128 [115] .
Type data: holotype MNHP <M>.
Type locality: Guyana.
Halictus ochrias
Vachal, J. (1904). Étude sur les Halictus d’Amerique (Hym.). Misc. Entomol. 12: 113-128 [115] .
Type data: holotype MNHP <M>.
Type locality: Brazil, Goiás, Jataí.
Megalopta centralis
Friese, H. (1926). Die Nachtbienen-Gattung Megalopta Sm. Stett. Entomol. Ztg. 87: 111-135 [119, 121, 128] .
Type data: lectotype ZMB <M>.
Subsequent designation: Engel, M. S. (2006). A new nocturnal bee of the genus Megalopta, with notes on other Central American species (Hymenoptera: Halictidae). Mitt. Internat. Entomol. Ver. 31 (1/2): 37-49 [43] .
Type locality: Guatemala.
Megalopta ecuadoria
Friese, H. (1926). Die Nachtbienen-Gattung Megalopta Sm. Stett. Entomol. Ztg. 87: 111-135 [119, 121, 122, 127] .
Type data: lectotype ZMB <F>.
Subsequent designation: Engel, M. S. (2006). A new nocturnal bee of the genus Megalopta, with notes on other Central American species (Hymenoptera: Halictidae). Mitt. Internat. Entomol. Ver. 31 (1/2): 37-49 [43] .
Type locality: Ecuador, Guayas, Guayaquil.
Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy
Santos, L. M. & Silveira, F. A. (2009). Taxonomic notes on Megalopta Smith, 1853 (Hymenoptera: Halictidae: Augochlorini) with a synopsis of the species in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Zootaxa 2194: 1-20 [5]
Neotropical Region: Belize, Brazil (Amapá, Amazonas [Manaus], Bahia [Belmonte], Ceará [Maranguape], Espírito Santo, Goiás [Jataí], Maranhão [Barreirinhas], Mato Grosso [Chapada Dos Guimarães], Pará [Conceição Do Araguaia, Santarém], Rio de Janeiro, Roraima, São Paulo [Agudos, Alvinlândia, Bauru, Gália]), Colombia, Costa Rica (Guanacaste, San José), Ecuador, Guatemala, Guyana
Alfken, J. D. (1933). Ergebnisse einer zoologischen Sammelreise nach Brasilien, insbesorende in das Amazonasgebiet, ausgeführt von Dr. H. Zerny. Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 46: 303-307 [304] (Taxonomy (geogr. record, as idalia))
Almeida, R.P.S., Arruda, F.V., Silva, D.P., & Coelho, B.W.T. (2019). Bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) in an Ecotonal Cerrado-Amazon Region in Brazil. Sociobiology 66 (3): 457-466 [461] (Distribution record)
Cockerell, T. D. A. (1900). Descriptions of new bees collected by Mr. H. H. Smith in Brazil. I. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 52: 356-377 [356, 357, 374] (Taxonomy (redescription based on one specimen from Chapada, tax. position, notes on Smith's description))
Cockerell, T. D. A. (1905). Some American halictine bees in the British Museum. Entomologist 38: 33-37 [36] (Taxonomy (key, tax. characters))
Cockerell, T. D. A. (1912). New bees from Brazil. Psyche 19: 41-61 [60] (Taxonomy (geogr. record))
Cockerell, T. D. A. (1916). Some bees from British Guiana. Occas. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich. 24: 1-3 [3] (Taxonomy (geogr. record))
Cockerell, T. D. A. (1919). Bees in the collection of the United States Museum.- 3. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 55: 167-221 [207] (Taxonomy (geogr. record))
Cockerell, T. D. A. (1923). Two nocturnal bees and a minute Perdita. Am. Mus. Novit. 66: 1-4 [1] (Taxonomy (geogr. record, discussion of tax. position))
Cockerell, T. D. A. (1923). Some bees from British Guiana. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (9) 11: 442–459 [443] (Taxonomy (tax. discussion, geogr. record))
Ducke, A. (1905). Biologische Notizen über einige südamerikanische Hymenoptera. Z. Wiss. Insektenbiol. 1: 175-177 [175] (Biology (correlation of ocellar size and flight activity))
Ducke, A. (1907). Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Solitärbienen Brasiliens. (Hym.). Z. Syst. Hymenopterol. Dipterol. 7: 361-368 [363] (Taxonomy (tax. notes))
Ducke, A. (1908). Contribution à la connaissance de la faune hyménoptérologique du Nord-Est du Brésil. Rev. Entomol. (Caen) 27: 57-87 [59, 65] (Taxonomy (geogr. range))
Ducke, A. (1908). Contribution à la connaissance des hyménoptères des deux Amériques. Rev. Entomol. (Caen) 27: 28-55 [31] (Taxonomy (synonymy, tax. characters, geogr. range, as idalia))
Ducke, A. (1910). Zur Synonymie der neotropischen Apidae. (Hym.). Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 1910: 362-369 [363] (Taxonomy (questions tax. identity))
Ducke, A. (1910). Contribution a la connaissance de la faune hyménoptérologique du Nord-Est du Brésil. Rev. Entomol. (Caen) 28 (3): 78-96 [82] (Taxonomy (questions tax. identity))
Eickwort, G. C. (1969). A comparative morphological study and generic revision of the augochlorine bees (Hymenoptera: Halictidae). Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull. 48: 325–524 [439] (Taxonomy (tax. characters))
Engel, M. S. (2006). A new nocturnal bee of the genus Megalopta, with notes on other Central American species (Hymenoptera: Halictidae). Mitt. Internat. Entomol. Ver. 31 (1/2): 37-49 [43] (Taxonomy (redescription, synonymy))
Friese, H. (1911). Neue Bienen aus Süd-Amerika (Hym.). Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 1911: 453-456 [453, 454] (Taxonomy (comp. tax. characters))
Friese, H. (1923). Wissenschaftliche ergebnisse der schwedischen entomologischen reise des Herrn Dr. A. Roman in Amazonas 1914-15. 8. Apidae. Ark. Zool. 15 (13): 1-8 [3] (Taxonomy (tax. characters, geogr. record))
Friese, H. (1926). Die Nachtbienen-Gattung Megalopta Sm. Stett. Entomol. Ztg. 87: 111-135 [113,114, 119, 121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 128, 129, 134] (Taxonomy (key, comp. tax. notes, tax. status, as var. of idalia), biology (flower records, as ecuadoria))
Janzen, D. H. (1968). Notes on nesting and foraging behavior of Megalopta (Hymenoptera: Halictidae) in Costa Rica. J. Kansas Entomol. Soc. 41 (3): 324–350 [342-349] (Biology (comp. behavioral note, nesting and foraging behavior))
Kerfoot, W. B. (1967). Correlation between occelar size and the foraging activities of bees (Hymenoptera; Apoidea). Am. Nat. 101 (917): 65–70 [67] (Taxonomy (correlation of ocellar size and foraging))
Knoll, F.R.N. & Penatti, N.C. (2012). Habitat Fragmentation Effects on the Orchid Bee Communities in Remnant Forests of Southeastern Brazil. Neotrop. Entomol. 41: 355-365 [360] (Distribution)
Knoll, F.R.N & Santos, L.M (2012). Orchid bee baits attracting bees of the genus Megalopta (Hymenoptera, Halictidae) in Bauru region, São Paulo, Brazil: abundance, seasonality, and the importance of odors for dim-light bees. Rev. Bras. Entomol. 56 (4): 481-488 [482] (Distribution)
Meade-Waldo, G. (1916). Notes on the Apidae (Hymenoptera) in the collection of the British Museum, with descriptions of new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8) 17: 448-470 [452, 453] (Taxonomy (key, tax. notes, as Megalopa subgenus Megaloptella))
Michener, C. D. (1954). Bees of Panamá. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 104 (1): 5-175 [84] (Taxonomy (tax. characters, geogr. record), as ecuadoria)
Michener, C. D. & Moure, J. S. (1964). Megalopta Smith, 1853 (Insecta, Hymenoptera): proposed designation of a type-species under the plenary powers. Z. N. (S.) 1624. Bull. Zool. Nomencl. 21 (2): 148-149 [148] (Type designation)
Moure, J. S. (1943). Notas sôbre abelhas da coleção Zikán (Hym. Apoidea). Rev. Entomol. (Rio J.) 14 (3): 447-484 [480] (Taxonomy (tax. position, as Megaloptella))
Moure, J. S. (1951). Ariphanarthra, um novo gênero de Halictidae (Hymenopt. - Apoidea). Dusenia 2 (2): 137-140 [139] (Taxonomy (listed))
Moure, J. S. (1958). On the species of Megalopta described by F. Smith (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc. 66: 179-190 [181] (Taxonomy (redescription of the type specimen of M. idalia))
Oliveira, F.S., Ribeiro, M.H.M. Nunez, C.V. & Albuquerque, P.M.C. (2016). Flowering phenology of Mouriri guianensis (Melastomataceae) and its interaction with the crepuscular bee Megalopta amoena (Halictidae) in the restinga of Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, Brazil. Acta Amazonica 6 (3): 281 - 290 [284] (Distribution)
Rocha, F. D. (1950). Subsídio para o estudo da fauna cearense. Rev. Trim. Inst. Ceará 64: 284-313 [288] (Taxonomy (geogr. record))
Sakagami, S. F. & Moure, J. S. (1965). Cephalic polymorphismin in some neotropical halictine bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). An. Acad. Bras. Cienc. 37 (2): 303–313 [304, 309, 310] (Taxonomy (syn. bibliography, as M. amoena), morphology (cephalic allometry))
Schrottky, C. (1902). Ensaio sobre as abelhas solitarias do Brazil. Rev. Mus. Paul. 5: 330-613 [408] (Taxonomy (redescription, key))
Schrottky, C. (1906). Neue und wenig bekannte südamerikanische Bienen. Z. Syst. Hymenopterol. Dipterol. 6: 305-316 [312] (Taxonomy (tax. characters, tax. position, geogr. record, as Megalopa subgenus Megaloptella))
Silveira, F. A., Melo, G. A. R. & Almeida, E. A. B. (2002). Abelhas Brasileiras: Sistemática e Identificação. Belo Horizonte: F. A. Silveira 253 pp. [179] (Distribution)
Online since: 23 Jul 2008
Last update : 22 Mar 2022