APIDAE ›› Halictinae ›› Augochlorini ›› Temnosoma

buscar esse táxon em outros sistemas Temnosoma metallicum Smith, 1853
Temnosoma metallicum Smith, F. (1853). Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. Part I. Andrenidae and Apidae. London: British Museum 1-198 pp. [38] .
Type data: syntype BMNH <F><M>.
Type locality: Brazil, Pará, Belém; Jamaica.

Temnosoma metallicum var. chapadae Cockerell, T. D. A. (1901). Descriptions of new bees collected by Mr. H. H. Smith in Brazil. II. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 53: 216-222 [217] .
Type data: lectotype CM 367 <F><M>.
Subsequent designation: Moure, J. S. & Hurd, P. D., Jr. (1987). An Annotated Catalog of the Halictid Bees of the Western Hemisphere (Hymenoptera: Halictidae). Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press 405 pp. [307] .
Type locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada dos Guimarães.


Neotropical Region: Argentina (Catamarca, Mendoza), Brazil (Bahia, Mato Grosso [Chapada Dos Guimarães], Minas Gerais, Paraná, Pará [Belém], Rio Grande do Sul [Planalto, Porto Alegre], São Paulo [Santos, São Paulo]), Jamaica, Paraguay


Ashmead, W. H. (1900). Report upon the aculeate Hymenoptera of the Islands of St. Vincent and Grenada, with additions to the parasitic Hymenoptera and a list of the described Hymenoptera of the West Indies. Trans. Entomol. Soc. Lond. 2: 207-367 [304] (Catalog, distribution)
Cockerell, T. D. A. (1901). Descriptions of new bees collected by Mr. H. H. Smith in Brazil. II. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 53: 216-222 [217] (Note, key)
Dalla Torre, C. G. (1896). Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. Lipsiae: Guilelmi Engelmann Vol. 10 643 pp. [12]
Ducke, A. (1902). Beobachtungen über Blütenbesuch, Erscheinungszeit etc. der bei Pará vorkommenden Bienen. Allg. Z. Entomol. 7: 360-368 [360] (Distribution, flower records)
Ducke, A. (1908). Contribution à la connaissance de la faune hyménoptérologique du Nord-Est du Brésil. Rev. Entomol. (Caen) 27: 57-87 [62] (Distribution, flower records)
Ducke, A. (1910). Zur Synonymie der neotropischen Apidae. (Hym.). Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 1910: 362-369 [362] (Synonymy (as Sphecodes))
Ducke, A. (1910). Contribution a la connaissance de la faune hyménoptérologique du Nord-Est du Brésil. Rev. Entomol. (Caen) 28 (3): 78-96 [79] (Distribution (as Sphecodes))
Ducke, A. (1910). Explorações botânicas e entomológicas no Estado do Ceará. Rev. Trim. Inst. Ceará 24: 3-61 [43] (Flower record, distribution (as Sphecodes))
Eickwort, G. C. (1969). A comparative morphological study and generic revision of the augochlorine bees (Hymenoptera: Halictidae). Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull. 48: 325–524 [448]
Friese, H. (1908). Die Apidae (Blumenwespen) von Argentina nach den Reisenergebnissen der Herren A. C. Jensen-Haarup und P. Jörgensen in den Jahren 1904-1907 [reprint with change in pagination (pp. 331-425 in original)]. Flora Fauna 10: 1-94 [5] (Biology (possible host, as Augochlora))
Friese, H. (1924). Üeber die Urbienengattung Temnosoma Sm. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Geogr. Biol. Tiere 49: 534-536 [535] (, key, geogr. records)
Jensen-Haarup, A. C. (1908). Biological researches amongst the Argentine bees with special reference to flowers they visit. Flora Fauna 10: 95-107 [99] (Biology (floral records))
Jörgensen, P. (1909). Beobachtungen über Blumenbesuch, Biologie, Werbreitung usw. der Bienen von Mendoza. Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 1: 53-65 [55] (Biology (geogr. and floral records in Province of Mendoza, Argentina))
Jörgensen, P. (1912). Los crisídidos y los Hymenopteros aculeatos de la Província de Mendoza. An. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires 22: 267-338 [304] (Biology (geogr. and flower records))
Jörgensen, P. (1912). Revision der Apiden der Provinz Mendoza, Republica Argentina (Hym.). Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Geogr. Biol. Tiere 32: 89-162 [110]
Meyer, R. (1919). Apidae- Sphecodinae. Arch. Naturgesch., Abt. A 85 (2): 161-242 [234] (Distribution, flower record (as var. chapadae))
Meyer, R. (1919). Apidae- Sphecodinae. Arch. Naturgesch., Abt. A 85 (1): 79-160 [88] (Key (as var. chapadae))
Moure, J. S. & Hurd, P. D., Jr. (1987). An Annotated Catalog of the Halictid Bees of the Western Hemisphere (Hymenoptera: Halictidae). Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press 405 pp. [307] (Taxonomy (synonymy), geogr. record, flower records)
Schrottky, C. (1902). Ensaio sobre as abelhas solitarias do Brazil. Rev. Mus. Paul. 5: 330-613 [350-351] (Taxonomy (, , key, redescription))
Schrottky, C. (1906). Neue und wenig bekannte südamerikanische Bienen. Z. Syst. Hymenopterol. Dipterol. 6: 305-316 [305] (Taxonomy (tax. notes); Biology (flower record))
Schrottky, C. (1907). Contribución al conocimiento de los himenópteros del Paraguay. An. Cient. Paraguayos 7 (1): 1-78 [23, 29]
Schrottky, C. (1908). Blumen und Insekten in Paraguay. Z. Wiss. Insektenbiol. 4: 73-78 [75] (Biology (flower record))
Schrottky, C. (1908). Blumen und Insekten in Paraguay. Z. Wiss. Insektenbiol. 4: 47-52 [49] (Biology (flower record))
Schrottky, C. (1909). Himenópteros de Catamarca. An. Soc. Cient. Argent. 68: 233-272 [253] (Distribution)
Schrottky, C. (1910). Descripção de abelhas novas do Brazil e de regiões visinhas. Rev. Mus. Paul. 8: 71-88 [86]
Schrottky, C. (1913). La distribución geográfica de los himenópteros argentinos. An. Soc. Cient. Argent. 75: 180-286 [239] (Catalog, distribution)
Silveira, F. A., Melo, G. A. R. & Almeida, E. A. B. (2002). Abelhas Brasileiras: Sistemática e Identificação. Belo Horizonte: F. A. Silveira 253 pp. [181] (Distribution)
Smith, F. (1879). Descriptions of New species of Hymenoptera in Collection of the British Museum. London: British Museum 240 pp. [30]
Strand, E. (1909). Beitrag zur Bienenfauna von Paraguay. (Hym.). Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 1909: 227-237 [229] (Distribution)
Wittmann, D. & Hoffmann, M. (1990). Bees of Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Iheringia, Sér. Zool. 70: 17-43 [34] (Distribution record)

How to cite this page
J. S. Moure & G. A. R. Melo, 2022. Augochlorini Beebe, 1925. In Moure, J. S., Urban, D. & Melo, G. A. R. (Orgs). Catalogue of Bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) in the Neotropical Region - online version. Available at https://www.moure.cria.org.br/catalogue. Accessed Jan/23/2025

Online since: 23 Jul 2008
Last update : 22 Mar 2022

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Universidade Federal do Paraná, UFPR
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