
buscar esse táxon em outros sistemas Hoplostelis Dominique, 1898

Stelis (Hoplostelis) Dominique, J. (1898). Coup d'oeil sur les melliféres sud-américains du Muséum de Nantes. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Ouest France 8 (1): 57-65 [60] .
Type species: Stelis abnormis Friese, 1925 ( = Anthidium bivittatum Cresson) by subsequent designation, see Griswold, T. L. & Michener, C. D. (1988). Taxonomic observations on Anthidiini of the Western Hemisphere (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). J. Kansas Entomol. Soc. 61 (1): 22–45 [36] .

Odontostelis Cockerell, T. D. A. (1931). Descriptions and records of bees - CXXX. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (10) 8: 537-553 [542] .
Type species: Stelis abnormis Friese, 1925 by original designation.


Neotropical Region: Brazil (Ceará [Baturité], Espírito Santo, Mato Grosso do Sul [Bodoquena, Miranda], Minas Gerais, Pará [Belém], Rio de Janeiro [Rio Das Ostras], Santa Catarina, São Paulo [São Carlos, São Sebastião]), Costa Rica (Heredia, San José), French Guiana (Cayenne), Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico (Jalisco, Veracruz, Yucatan), Panama, Trinidad and Tobago


Griswold, T. L. & Michener, C. D. (1988). Taxonomic observations on Anthidiini of the Western Hemisphere (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). J. Kansas Entomol. Soc. 61 (1): 22–45 [35, 36] (Synonymy, diagnosis (partim), biology (note on hosts))
Michener, C. D. (1944). Comparative external morphology, phylogeny, and a classification of the bees (Hymenoptera). Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 82 (6): 151-326 [256, 258] (Citation (as Stelis (Odontostelis)))
Michener, C. D. (1948). The generic classification of the anthidiine bees (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Am. Mus. Novit. 1381: 1-29 [4] (Taxonomy (as Stelis (Odontostelis))
Michener, C. D. (1954). Bees of Panamá. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 104 (1): 5-175 [99] (Panamá species)
Michener, C. D. (1987). A forgotten paper on South American bees. Melissa 2: 6-7 [7] (Note on name validation)
Michener, C. D. & Griswold, T. L. (1994). The neotropical Stelis-like cleptoparasitic bees (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 96 (4): 674-678 [675, 676, 677] (Taxonomic note, key, distribution)
Moure, J. S. & Urban, D. (1995). Rhynostelis, gen. n. e notas sobre Hoplostelis Dominique (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Megachilidae). Rev. Bras. Zool. 11 (2 [1994]): 297-302 [298, 299, 301] (Comparative note, illustration, catalog, descriptive note, key)
Parker, F. D. & Bohart, G. E. (1979). Dolichostelis, a new genus of parasitic bees (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). J. Kansas Entomol. Soc. 52 (1): 138-153 [141] (Comparative note)
Rasmussen, C., Mahé, G. & Hinojosa-Díaz, A. (2007). Taxonomic status of the bees from French Guiana described by Jules Dominique (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Megachilidae, Halictidae). Zootaxa 1423: 59-62 [59, 60] (Taxonomy)
Rozen, J. G., Jr. (1967). The immature instars of the cleptoparasitic genus Dioxys (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc. 75 (4): 236-248 [236] (Parasite)
Sandhouse, G. A. (1943). The type species of the genera and subgenera of bees. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 92: 519-619 [579] (Type species)
Schwarz, H. F. (1933). Two Stelis (Odontostelis) and a Melipona bee that have been recorded in error as Anthidiinae. Am. Mus. Novit. 650: 1-5 [1-4] (Species recorded in error as Anthidiinae)
Urban, D. (1999). Sobre o gênero Austrostelis Michener & Griswold stat. n. (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae), com algumas modificações nomenclaturais. Rev. Bras. Zool. 16 (Supl. 1): 181-187 [181] (Citation)

How to cite this page
D. Urban, J. S. Moure & G. A. R. Melo, 2022. Anthidiini Ashmead, 1899. In Moure, J. S., Urban, D. & Melo, G. A. R. (Orgs). Catalogue of Bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) in the Neotropical Region - online version. Available at Accessed Feb/14/2025

Online since: 23 Jul 2008
Last update : 07 Apr 2022

APIDAE ›› Megachilinae ›› Anthidiini

Available Species

  • Hoplostelis bilineolata (Spinola, 1841) 
  • Hoplostelis bivittata (Cresson, 1878) 
  • Hoplostelis cornuta (Bingham, 1897) 
  • Hoplostelis gabrieli Urban, 2003 
  • Hoplostelis nigritula (Friese, 1910)